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Warm-up Questions What types of money are available in the United States today? What was the purpose of the Grand Canal?

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1 Warm-up Questions What types of money are available in the United States today? What was the purpose of the Grand Canal?


3 Tang Achievements Ancient Civilizations – Mr. Hollingsworth
Medieval China Tang Achievements Ancient Civilizations – Mr. Hollingsworth

4 Alabama Course of Study
Analyze characteristics of early civilizations in respect to technology, division of labor, government, calendar, and writings. Comparing significant features of civilizations that developed in the Tigris-Euphrates, Nile, Indus, and Huang He River valleys. Identifying on a map locations of cultural hearths of early civilizations.

5 Today’s Learning Targets
I can use academic vocabulary of this region and time appropriately. I can locate key geographical features of this region on a map. I can evaluate the achievements of the Tang and Song Dynasties.

6 Warm-up Questions What types of money are available in the United States today? Coins, cash, checks, credit cards, debit cards, electronic transfers, bit coins… What was the purpose of the Grand Canal? To transport goods and crops from outlying areas to the cities

7 Reading Check Questions
How did agricultural advances affect population growth? Due to agricultural advances, food became abundant, which led to population growth. How far did China’s trade routes extend? As far as India and Southwest Asia, into Korea and Japan.

8 Reading Check Questions
What were some important inventions of the Tang and Song dynasties? Paper, porcelain, woodblock printing, gunpowder, movable type, magnetic compass, paper money.

9 Agricultural Advances
The Chinese economy was based on agriculture. During the Song dynasty, improvement in ___ led to an increase of ___ land. irrigation / cultivated Refer to picture on page 449.

10 Agricultural Advances
Cause: New crops & improved rice. More food, increased trade, population growth, government grew wealthy with tax

11 Cities and Trade Cause: Cities grew large (1 million). Trade increased with the use of the Grand Canal. Trade with other countries grew. Effect: Merchants became wealthy and influential in government.

12 Arts and Inventions Li Bo, Du Fu, and Li Qingzhao were famous poets.
Porcelain was used to create pottery.

13 Arts and Inventions Inventions: Woodblock printing, gunpowder, Movable type, magnetic compass, and paper money.

14 Key Terms Review The time following the collapse of the Han Dynasty.
Period of Disunion A human made waterway connecting northern and southern China. Grand Canal

15 Key Terms Review Thin beautiful type of pottery.
porcelain Writing characters carved into a block of wood and then inked and applied to paper Woodblock printing

16 Key Terms Review An explosive mixture of granules used in fireworks.
Gunpowder An instrument using the earth’s magnetic field to show direction compass

17 Map Items Korea China Japan Yellow Sea East China Sea Sea of Japan
Pacific Ocean China Sea of Japan Korea Yellow Sea Japan Pacific Ocean East China Sea

18 Today’s Learning Targets
I can use academic vocabulary of this region and time appropriately. I can locate key geographical features of this region on a map. I can evaluate the achievements of the Tang and Song Dynasties.

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