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Chapter 9 The Microscopic World.

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1 Chapter 9 The Microscopic World

2 Chapter 9C Kingdom Fungi

3 Mycology The study of fungi

4 III. Kingdom Fungi A. Two typical members: 1. Black bread mold
2. Mushroom

5 A. Typical Members Black Bread Mold Mushrooms

6 III. Kingdom Fungi B. Common Structures 1. Hyphae a) filamentous (ex. bread mold) b) grouped to form larger structures (ex. mushrooms)

7 Long filaments of cells that make up the body of fungi
Hyphae Long filaments of cells that make up the body of fungi

8 B. Common Structures Filamentous hyphae Grouped hyphae

9 III. Kingdom Fungi B. Common Structures 2. Spores
a) All fungi produce asexual spores b) method of spore production classifies fungi into groups

10 B. Common Structures 3. Black bread mold a) Rhizopus stolonifer
b) 3 types of hyphae * rhizoids – rootlike attachments * stolons – spread fungi along substrate * sporangia – produces the spores

11 Why does bread mold come in different colors besides black?

12 The sporangia give bread mold its color

13 B. Common Structures 3. Black bread mold
c) Can reproduce asexually or by conjugation

14 B. Common Structures 4. Mushroom Main parts
* stalk – support structure * cap – houses the sporangia * gills – location of the sporangia

15 C. Nutrition The Process a) hyphae release enzymes
b) digestion occurs outside the fungus’s cells c) digested food is absorbed into the fungus’s cells

16 C. Nutrition 2. Categories a) saprophyte – nonliving organic matter (ex. ?) b) parasite – living organisms (ex. ?)

17 C. Nutrition Saprophyte (mold on a peach) Parasite (athlete’s foot)

18 III. Kingdom Fungi 3. Symbiotic relationships a) Lichens

19 3. Symbiotic Relationships
Lichens * fungi living with algae * fungus provides anchorage * algae produces the food

20 III. Kingdom Fungi 3. Symbiotic relationships a) Lichens
b) Mycorrhizae

21 3. Symbiotic Relationships
b) Mycorrhizae * fungi living with plant roots * fungus provides anchorage * plant produces the food

22 Importance of Fungi Essential to natural environment Decomposers
Interaction with plants Some human diseases

23 Importance of Fungi Industry Edible mushrooms Foods Chemicals
Penicillin Other drugs

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