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Promotion and Tenure Workshop for Administrators

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Presentation on theme: "Promotion and Tenure Workshop for Administrators"— Presentation transcript:

1 Promotion and Tenure Workshop for Administrators
Where Impact Is Made Promotion and Tenure Workshop for Administrators Mary Fisher, Associate Vice Chancellor and Associate Dean of the Faculties Gail Williamson, Faculty Fellow

2 AGENDA Welcome and Introductions P&T Guidelines Update
Mini Survey of Administrators P&T Queries and Discussion Electronic Dossier Preparation Question and Answer Session Programming Announcements Closing Comments and Adjournment AGENDA

3 P&T Guidelines Update Mary Fisher Associate Vice Chancellor
Associate Dean of the Faculties

4 Nine-year Tenure Probationary Timeline for School of Medicine
Documenting Excellence Information for Reviewers Appendices P&T Issues from

5 Mini Survey of Administrators Using Clickers

6 Question #1 Which of the following groups do you represent? Deans
Associate Deans Department Chairs/Directors Primary Committee Chairs Administrative Assistants/ Specialists Question #1

7 To what extent are mentors assigned to tenure-track faculty in your school?
100% 75% 50% 25% 0% Question #2

8 To what extent are mentors assigned for Associate Professor level faculty in your school?
100% 75% 50% 25% 0% Question #3

9 To what extent are mentors assigned for clinical track faculty in your school?
100% 75% 50% 25% 0% Question #4

10 To what extent are Primary Committees in your school up-to-date on the current Campus P&T guidelines? 100% 75% 50% 25% 0% Question #6

11 To what extent is your Unit/School P&T Committee up-to-date on the current Campus P&T guidelines?
100% 75% 50% 25% 0% Question #7

12 My knowledge and understanding of the IUPUI promotion and tenure guidelines is
Excellent Good Fair Poor Question #8

13 Does your school provide internal P&T programming annually for your faculty?
Yes No Question #9

14 As an administrator, I regularly inform my faculty of Campus P&T programs offered during the year.
Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree Question #10

15 P&T Queries and Discussion Using Clickers

16 Whose responsibility is it to provide an assessment of the dissemination outlets in the candidate’s dossier? Candidate Primary Committee Chair Department Chair Associate Dean of Academic Affairs Dean of the School Responsibility

17 Responsibility Department Chair (or Designee) Responsibilities
Provide an assessment of the dissemination outlets in the candidate's area of excellence (or in all areas for a balanced case), such as the quality of journals, peer-reviewed conferences, and venues of presentations or performance. Page 9 Responsibility

18 Do negative votes require an explanation to the candidate for school level reviews?
Yes No Negative Votes

19 The report from each committee should make an effort to account for negative votes based on committee discussions as opposed to submitting a minority report, which is not allowed. The reports should be written with sufficient detail to fully review the candidate’s qualifications. Page 11 Negative Votes

20 What should be done if the chair is not tenured or does not hold the rank that the candidate is aspiring to achieve? Chair writes the letter regardless Chair letter requirement is waived School Dean writes the letter for Chair School Dean provides a letter of explanation Insufficient Rank

21 Insufficient Rank Department Chair (or Designee) Responsibilities
Compose a letter of evaluation of the candidate’s case and recommendation for action and enclose this in the dossier. This letter is waived if the Department Chair does not hold tenure and/or a rank equal to that sought by the candidate. Page 10 Insufficient Rank

22 How many arms-length external reviews are required for a promotion/tenure case?
3 4 5 6 External Reviews

23 External Reviews Department Chair (or Designee) Responsibilities
Ensure that all external reviewers meet the guidelines for independence outlined in the section on External Assessment. If not, then secure additional external reviews sufficient to meet the six reviewer minimum standard prior to forwarding the dossier to the unit committee. All reviews received must be retained in the dossier. The campus may return a dossier that does not meet the six-reviewer, arm’s-length minimum. Page 10 External Reviews

24 External Review Form Page 56 EXTERNAL REFEREE FORM TO: FROM:
SUBJECT: Relationship to Candidate CANDIDATE: Relationship to the candidate and his/her work: Circle your response Present or past colleague at same institution as a student, post-doctoral fellow, or faculty member Yes No Past mentor Yes No Co-authored scholarly work/grants in the last 5 years Yes No Other, please specify: Knowledge of candidate’s work primarily based on: Circle your response His/her publications and CV Yes No Scholarly presentations Yes No Personal knowledge and discussions Yes No Participated on review panels (study section, advisory boards, etc.) Yes No External Reviewer’s Signature Date Please return this form with your letter. External Review Form

25 External Reviewers should be provided with primary/department or school/unit criteria and the IUPUI tables. True False External Reviews

26 Provide external reviewers with the appropriate materials to make informed judgments.
While unit/school or primary/department policies may detail particular kinds of evidence that should be sent to reviewers (often the C.V., the candidate’s statement, and selected publications), the basic goal is to match evidence to criteria. For example, if the candidate is presenting excellence in teaching then teaching products, such as syllabi or course materials produced by the instructor, should be provided to the reviewer. If the candidate has named service as an area of excellence, documents or products detailing the intellectual work related to service and its impact should be sent to the reviewers. Primary/department or unit/school criteria as well as the IUPUI excellence tables located in the Appendices of these Guidelines should be provided to the reviewers. Page 9 External Reviews

27 Biographic summaries of the External Reviewers should be provided by the…
Candidate Administrative Assistant Department Chair School Dean Biographic Summaries

28 Biographic Summaries Department Chair (or Designee) Responsibilities
Provide a brief statement addressing the expertise of each external reviewer which will be placed in Section 04 of the dossier with the external assessments. Page 9 Biographic Summaries

29 According to the IUPUI guidelines, primary committees should have a minimum of _____ members .
3 4 5 6 Primary Committees

30 Primary/Department and Unit/School Level Promotion and/or Tenure Committees Responsibilities
Primary/Department and Unit/School level promotion and/or tenure committees must comply with the following guidelines: Committees should have a minimum of four members. If there are insufficient faculty to comprise a committee of at least four members of the proper rank, the Dean should seek additional members (either from another department within the school or from another school) in consultation with the duly constituted committee. Pages 11and 12 Primary Committees

31 Candidate’s Statement
How many single-spaced pages can be included in the candidate’s statement? 5 8 10 15 Candidate’s Statement

32 Candidate’s Statement
Candidates for promotion and/or tenure should prepare a maximum of 5 single-spaced pages for their candidate’s statement that reflects their own assessments of their accomplishments in teaching, research and creative activity, and service (for faculty) or performance, professional development, and service (for librarians) Page 15 Candidate’s Statement

33 Candidate’s Statement
How many additional pages are permitted in the candidate’s area of excellence? 2 4 5 7 Candidate’s Statement

34 Candidate’s Statement
Up to an additional two single-spaced pages, addressing the area of excellence, may be presented as a section introduction for the area of excellence. Candidates going up on a balanced case should prepare a maximum of 7 single-spaced pages for their candidate’s statement, inclusive of the three areas of highly satisfactory work. In cases where the candidate undergoes unit-level review at another campus (e.g., Core Schools like Business, Education, etc.), an accommodation with the page-length expectations of those campuses may be needed. Page 15 Candidate’s Statement

35 Dossier 25 pages 50 pages 75 pages 100 pages
What is the maximum length of the dossier excluding the CV? 25 pages 50 pages 75 pages 100 pages Dossier

Dossiers should be no more than 50 pages (excluding the candidate’s vitae; external assessment letters; and chair, dean, and committee letters). Page 12 Dossier

37 P&T committee members must fully participate in candidate deliberations in order to vote.
True False Voting

38 Primary/Department and Unit/School Level Promotion and/or Tenure Committees Responsibilities
Voting members must fully participate in committee deliberations. There can be no proxy voting on promotion and/or tenure cases at any level. Page 12 Voting

39 Scholarly dissemination is required in which of these situations?
To document excellence in teaching research or service To document highly satisfactory in all three areas of a balanced case To document satisfactory research All of the above Scholarship

40 Scholarly dissemination of your work is required to document excellence in any of the three areas of faculty work; to document highly satisfactory in each area of a balanced case; and also for assessment of satisfactory in research. Page 6 Scholarship

41 Special Circumstances
A candidate who has had interruption in their scholarly work can be considered for promotion. True False Special Circumstances

42 Special Circumstances
External Assessment External assessment is essential to provide the committees evaluating each candidate for promotion and/or tenure an objective evaluation of the value and impact of the candidate’s work within the discipline, and to demonstrate that each candidate for associate professor has achieved an emerging national reputation and that each candidate for full professor has achieved a sustained national reputation as demonstrated by a well established and cumulative body of work in rank. Special circumstances where scholarly productivity has been interrupted can be considered. Page 23 Special Circumstances

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