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NEW CTE TEACHER Year end webinar

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Presentation on theme: "NEW CTE TEACHER Year end webinar"— Presentation transcript:

1 NEW CTE TEACHER Year end webinar

2 Welcome You have completed your first year of teaching – congratulations! Goals for this webinar: To-do list before school is out for the year Reflective thoughts on this past year Summer Planning/professional development Looking ahead to next year

3 Discussion 1. Share two of the greatest joys of the year they didn’t expect from teaching? 2. What was one stressor or let down they didn’t expect?

4 Looking Back Highs Lows You made it through the year!
Improved and tried different teaching techniques Better idea what to expect for next year and changes you want to make Lows The first year was not all you thought it would be Challenging students Low student organization participation

5 feeling alone - BEFORE THE FIRST DAYS
ALONE - Drop

6 Phases of First-Year Teachers’ Attitude Towards Teaching (Moir, 1992)
Anticipation Anticipation Reflection Survival Rejuvenation Disillusionment Aug S O N D J F M A M J July Month

7 This Summer Take steps now, with curriculum and the year fresh in your mind to work on improvements Attend association conference if they have one over the summer Find some continuing Ed workshops to attend Idea time for curriculum, advisory boards, and classroom changes Work with student organization officers to start prepping for next year Most of all - take time for yourself/family

8 Lifelong Teacher Development (Steffy & Wolfe, 1997)
Increasing Teacher Effectiveness Emeritus Distinguished Expert Professional Apprentice Induction Preservice

9 Before the Last Day Student feedback surveys Order supplies
Questions such as Keep doing Okay Stop doing Lesson/Lab they liked and why …...... Order supplies Curriculum you want to improve for next year Set-up student organization work times

10 Looking Ahead Year two is easier
Start meeting with advisor board as you work on adjustments to curriculum Utilize CTE framework for your area Reach out to others for guest speakers, field trips, and teachers in our area Find one or two new resources for curriculum Learn more about CTE Become more involved in your association

11 Ideas to improve year 2 Reorganize classroom
Re-structure class layout (enter question with plans and objectives for day, announcements, teaching time by teacher, class work-time, review day/homework, and exit question)

12 YOU DID More than you thought you could
ALONE - Extraction

13 Discussion ???? Topics for thought
List some of your highs and lows, how can you improve the lows? Example, I was always just one day ahead, now that I have been through it once, I aim to stay a week ahead One thing you learned from this year that will help you next year? Grading, always struggled to keep up with grading, learned to balance classes so each class had 15-20mins of work-time that allowed me to do some grading Challenges of being gone (sick, personal, student org.) My first year, thought I was a bad teacher for having students watch movies or do a textbook assignment, learned that sometimes those can be the best teaching tools

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