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Axially loaded columns

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1 Axially loaded columns
Effective length Axial Load Eccentric load

2 Effective Length of columns 1
Effective length (le) depends on degree of ‘Fixity’ at the supports. Fixed Ends, le = 0.7 L L

3 Effective Length of columns 2
Effective length (le) depends on degree of ‘Fixity’ at the supports. One end fixed, other pinned le = L L

4 Effective Length of columns 3
Effective length (le) depends on degree of ‘Fixity’ at the supports. Pinned Ends le = L L

5 Effective Length of columns 4
Effective length (le) depends on degree of ‘Fixity’ at the supports. One end fixed, other end free (sway in one direction) le = 1.5 L L

6 Effective Length of columns 5
Effective length (le) depends on degree of ‘Fixity’ at the supports. One end fixed, other end free (no restraints) le = 2.0 L L

7  Slenderness Ratio = = Sr = = Sr = le b OK for square section
effective length of column least width of column = Sr Better to use le r = effective length of column Least radius of gyration = Sr where I A = r I, being the 2nd Moment of area about C. of G. of cross section A, the cross sectional area

8 Slenderness Ratio Note for long columns, Ultimate buckling load reduces with increasing slenderness Buckling failure – excess deflection Buckling load << shear failure load for short columns, Failure due to shear failure

9 Column subjected to Lateral & Axial loads
Direct or axial load causes direct stress, of same intensity right across section W A = fd M Z = fb Bending stress causes stress to vary across section Non axial load causes a combination of the two. (eccentric load)

10 Effect of load eccentricity
W Effect of load not being central is to produce bending in the column With compression under the load And tension under other side Value of Bending Moment produced is Load x Eccentricity ( M = W x e) Deflected shape

11 Column subjected to Lateral & Axial loads
“e” is the load eccentricity, i.e. Distance from the Neutral Axis or Centroid to the load e W Direct stress (compression) = W/A + Bending stress (tension & compression = M/Z + - Combined stress = W/A + M/Z or W/A - M/Z + When this becomes zero i.e. W/A = M/Z , then further eccentricity would causes TENSILE STRESS

12 Middle third rule for no tension
For square or rectangular sections, load may be eccentric from one axis by no more than 1/6 of width unless tension is permissible on one face (eg Brickwork cannot resist tension ---must always be under compression.) Tension just starts when W/A = M/Z Prove the middle third rule by considering a rectangular section with I = bd3/12, y = d/2, A = bxd , M = W x e. Hint: Make e the subject of the equation .

13 Load Eccentricity about both axis
+ - - Myy /A Myy /A - - Mxx /A Mxx /A + + W/A X + W/A - Mxx /A - Myy /A + Myy /A Y Y e e Column loaded with double eccentric force W. Produces bending about both axis Myy & Mxx Which need to be combined in each corner E.g. At this corner stress is: W/A -Mxx /A + Myy /A X + W/A - Mxx /A + Myy /A W/A + Mxx /A

14 3D ! Stress block x Y x + + - + + - W/A Mxx /A - Mxx /A - Myy /A

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