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Business Organization

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1 Business Organization
Chapter 5 Section 1

2 Business in the U.S. Economy
Describe the changing status of U.S. employment Discuss the role of business in the U.S. economy Describe three major types of business

3 The Changing U.S. Job Market
The average age of U.S. workers in 2020 will be over 50 Groups that will grow through higher employment rates Asians Hispanics African-Americans

4 Currently, white non-Hispanic workers make up 70% of the labor force.
Will drop to 66% by 2014 Most striking trends in employment has been the participation of women 1960’s = 35% Doubled by 2000 By 2014 it is expected that women will make up nearly one half(47%) of the work force

5 Pressures on Employees
Economic stress has led to downsizing of the number of people employed by many companies Cost-cutting procedures Employees take on new task Employees work more hours Full time jobs reduced to part time Wage rates decreased

6 Business and the Economy
Increased use of contingent workers One who has no explicit or implicit contract for long- term employment Business and the Economy In 2002, all businesses worldwide produced more than $40 trillion of goods and services. U.S. businesses were responsible for almost 29% of that production

7 Roles of Businesses Provide employment
Profits earned are used to compensate owners and investors Pay taxes(fed., state, and local) Make and distribute products and services

8 Business Activities Generate Ideas Raising Capital
Employing & Training Personnel Buying Goods & Services Marketing Goods & Services Maintaining Business Records

9 Categories of Businesses
Producers Create the products and services used by individuals and other businesses Extractor – takes resources from nature for direct consumption or for use in developing other products Farmers – cultivate land and use other natural resources to grow crops and raise livestock for consumption Manufacturers – get supplies from other producers and convert them into products

10 Intermediaries – businesses involved in selling the goods and services of producers to consumers and other businesses. Retailers & Wholesalers Service Businesses – carries out activities that are consumed by its consumers Does not offer a product Fastest growing part of the economy

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