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‘Appearance rules the world.’

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Presentation on theme: "‘Appearance rules the world.’"— Presentation transcript:

1 ‘Appearance rules the world.’
Friedrich Schiller

2 ‘For the girl with the hourglass figure, time runs out very fast.’
Billy Bragg

3 ‘I definitely believe in plastic surgery. I don’t want to be an old hag. There’s no fun in that.’
Scarlett Johansson

4 ‘Beauty is the first present nature gives to women and the first it takes away.’
Fay Weldon

5 ‘The problem with beauty is that it’s like being born rich then getting poorer.’
Joan Collins

6 ‘It is better to be beautiful than to be good, but it is better to be good than to be ugly.’
Oscar Wilde

7 ‘I’d like to grow up and be beautiful
‘I’d like to grow up and be beautiful. I know it doesn’t matter, but it doesn’t hurt.’ Kirsten Dunst

8 ‘Beauty is how you feel inside, and it reflects in your eyes
‘Beauty is how you feel inside, and it reflects in your eyes. It is not something physical.’ Sophia Loren

9 ‘Beauty in things exists in the mind that contemplates them.’
David Hume

10 ‘Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and it may be necessary from time to time to give a stupid or misinformed beholder a black eye.’ Miss Piggy

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