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Nutrition The importance of food..

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Presentation on theme: "Nutrition The importance of food.."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nutrition The importance of food.

2 Carbohydrates Digestion Time Glucose to Fat
40-65% of our energy intake. Unnecessary due to proteins. Are found in sugar, bread, pastas, potatoes, rice, and beans. imgres.webloc imgres.webloc

3 Proteins Both animals and plants. Essential
Amino acids (muscles) we cannot make ourselves. Extra becomes glucose (fat). Take awhile to digest. Longer lasting source of energy. Broccoli has more protein than steak. WHAT!?

4 Fats/Lipids Necessary for human survival. Efficient energy
Skin and bile use (Myelin sheath) Excess energy stored as fat around our middle. Less than 10% of our diet should be fat. Fat takes a longer time to digest than both proteins and carbohydrates.

5 Vitamins and Minerals (aka Fruits/Vegetables)
Cannot be made by our own bodies. Cannot be stored. Need 15 minerals to keep cells going. The vitamins most needed are: Vitamin C (supports immune system) Vitamin D (makes us feel happy, made from the sun) Folic Acid Vitamin B (can increase energy) Vitamin A (okay, but toxic in high doses)

6 Water No storing unless water deprived.
The human body consists of 75% water (or 42 Liters). If we lose even 3 Liters of water we can become dehydrated. We need to get 8 (8oz cups) a day.

7 The Truth about electrolytes and antioxidants
Na, Ca, Mg, Cl, and K (Why and when you need these.) You conduct electricity?! Oxidation? (Why Oxygen is bad for you.)

8 Fiber Fiber slows down digestion.
Is found in beans, whole grain cereals and breads, vegetables, fruits and nuts. Recommended value is grams of dietary fiber a day.

9 What to eat? Eating a variety of foods at every meal will allow you to get energy right away, but still feel full longer. Ex. Bran muffin (full of fiber), with orange juice (lots of sugars/carbohydrates) Orange juice will digest instantly and give you energy short term. Brain muffin will take longer to digest (due to fiber) and will give you energy later in the morning.

10 Assignment: Raid the pantry tonight and look at 3 items.
Write down the amount of protein, carbs, calories, fiber etc. What will each of these become in the body? (Consider most food will become multiple things, so name a few.) Are these good or bad foods and why? (On average)

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