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Monday, October 5, 2015 Homework: Sci News 6 WAYTA

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1 Monday, October 5, 2015 Homework: Sci News 6 WAYTA
Your Objective: To learn the importance of conservation of mass. Homework: Sci News 6 WAYTA Agenda: Catalyst Activity Notes Reflection 1

2 (Cylinder + Water) - Cylinder
Catalyst: What do you think the word “conservation” means? OR Where have you heard of the word “conservation”? 10/6/15 Conservation of Mass Procedure 1: Picot + Bag Water - cup After + Procedure 2: Picot (Cylinder + Water) - Cylinder After + 9L 9R

3 Procedure 1: Add ½ of a picot pouch to one ziplock bag.
Find the mass of the bag and picot, and record your notes. Measure 50 mL of water in the graduated cylinder and pour it into the clear cup. Carefully find the mass of the cup and water. Subtract the given mass of the cup. Record it in your data table. Also record your initial observations Carefully tip the water and quickly seal. Record your observations. Find the mass of the bag system. Record it in your data table.

4 Procedure 2 Measure the mass of the Picot on the scale in your clear cup and record it in your notebook. Measure the mass of your empty cylinder Measure your cylinder with with 50 mL of water Subtract the mass of the empty cylinder from the cylinder with water Put the water into the cup with the picot. Record your observations Take the final mass. (subtract out the mass of the cup) Pour the liquids in the trash bowl and throw away the baggie with the first reaction.

5 9L 9R Catalyst: Conservation of Mass
What do you think the word “conservation” means? OR Where have you heard of the word “conservation”? 10/5/15 Conservation of Mass Procedure 1: Alka Seltzer Cup + Water After Procedure 2: Alka Seltzer Cup + Water After The Law of Conservation of Mass: Mass is neither created nor destroyed 9L 9R

6 9L 9R Catalyst: Conservation of Mass
What do you think the word “conservation” means? OR Where have you heard of the word “conservation”? 10/5/15 Conservation of Mass Procedure 2: Alka Seltzer Cup + Water After The Law of Conservation of Mass: Mass is neither created nor destroyed (mass of the reactants will equal the mass of the products). C6H8O7 + 3NaHCO3 → 3H2O + 3CO2 + Na3C6H5 O7 9L 9R

7 citric acid + baking soda → water + carbon dioxide + sodium citrate
Reactants Products C6H8O7 + 3NaHCO3 → 3H2O + 3CO2 + Na3C6H5O7 citric acid + baking soda → water + carbon dioxide sodium citrate

8 9L 9R Catalyst: Conservation of Mass Reflection: 10/5/15
What do you think the word “conservation” means? OR Where have you heard of the word “conservation”? Reflection: After a piece of paper burns, very little is left of the original paper (there’s not that much ash left over). Knowing about the conservation of mass, where did all the mass go? Explain your answer. 10/5/15 Conservation of Mass Procedure 1: Alka Seltzer Cup + Water After Procedure 2: Alka Seltzer Cup + Water After The Law of Conservation of Mass: Mass is neither created nor destroyed (mass of the reactants will equal the mass of the products). 9L 9R

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