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1 𝟑 𝟐 𝟑𝟐 -4 𝟏𝟔 𝟐 -14 Target Number Target Number Target Number
Target Number 𝟑𝟐 Target Number -14 Target Number -4 Equation Math can be done in a session or as a on going activity or as homework. since computation is such a struggle for some. Students can be challenged to either find a specific target number if you are reviewing a skill or as partners you do one I do the next one or as a challenge to see how far they can get… To differentiate the math have students choose the level they would like to work with. Either all positive numbers or a mix of positive and negative numbers. Target Number Using only the cards that you see and any operation, create an equation whose answer is the target number. You must use at least 2 numbers To Differentiate: Have them choose which type of numbers to use: all Positive or a Mix of Positive and Negative Numbers

2 Mom, Math was Fun Today!! Eva Solomon, Ed. S. Richards Middle School
Thanks for attending my session Eva Solomon, Ed. S. Richards Middle School Gwinnett County Public Schools


4 Magic Fold To introduce a topic I may start with a video, power point or a foldable. One of my favorite is the magic fold. Because the more they play with it the more they are learning with it. It can be used for any topic across the curriculum. You need two sheet of paper one colored one white Fold White in half horizontally cut in half then fold those side in half Fold COLOR paper in half horizontally, then fold again. .In the fold with the closed end towards you make two dots one at 3” and one at 6” Draw a line straight down and cut to dot Fold so there is W in the middle. Like a book Open flat and weave paper one half white paper over under over, repeat with the other side alternate the insert Follow the direction given during the session…..

5 Once a skill has been taught I usually follow up with a game.
Playing cards. Would I can do with a deck of playing cards and some dice. There is a book that gives a 100 ways to use playing cards and I could probably include more. Like the first slide. Cards are a great way for mental math. Flash cards are also great in middle school. I also do a round about where I stand in front of the line with multiplication flash cards and they have to answer then go to the end of the line. We try to see how many rounds we can make Since we started with a Integer foldable lets continue with a Integers card game that can also be used for Order of. I use them to give kids a fun way to remember: Its call Target Number like the first slide I just use all the cards instead of just the numbered cards. To differentiate you could just use the number cards TURN ON DOC CAMERA TO BEGIN: POINT TO POSTER TO CARD VALUES If you are just beginning to teach integers have them find zero pairs. The person who plays all their cards first wins. Begin by dealing 7 cards: remember the concept Pull, Play, Discard, Repeat Games played: Zero Pair and Target Number Remember: K = 13, Q = 12, J = 11, A = Black= Positive Red = Negative Dealer goes first: ALWAYS draw first (remember Pull, play discards) Play their hand then discard one card in the pile. Going clockwise: Next person Pulls Plays Discard, etc…. Once they have mastered zero pairs have them find the target number by shuffling the card and the 1st card drawn is the target. (Teacher can also choose) Understand…..Lets practice. In groups of 4 deal out 7 cards. Turn over one that is your target ( Red Negative number Black Positive number) Using your cards at least two try to find the target number, if you cant then you have to discard one and lose your turn. When it is your turn you pull either play and discard or discard if you cant play and lose your turn. 15 min…. RAISE YOUR FLAG IF YOU THINK THIS WOULD BE USEFUL IN YOUR CLASS? Target Number

6 Albert Insomnia is a vendor during this years session… if you are interested in seeing the game for yourself…..I do not work for him, just think this was fun and I use it in my classes 

7 Click: Another follow up is Faceing Math a wonderful for a review of lessons learned. They are engaging hands on activity Very easy and already done. They have a variety of books. I have enclosed an example of one we will do now and also one that you can create your own: I have books up here if you would like to see after this session. Great quick and easy awesome assessment. Directions are very simple….Click……Click……Click I use them for sub days, test reviews (I have included a create your own) and on those days when you “just feel like teaching all day long 

8 Thinking on your feet.. Solve for this one? IF This =
And This = Thinking n your feet is my way of saying Mental Math Math task are great because they get students up and moving, : word problems you hang around the room (if you have that type of class that can move around) or in my situation since the class is small. I just make sets in different colors and give to each group. Colors make them easy to collect Math Posters such as the Diamond Math (copy given) see posters, great way for them to do math all the time. Hang around the room and have them do as a warm up when they enter, puzzles around the room for day dreams, extra credit, etc NEXT Can also be used for this:

9 Not in the bag, Choice Boards
Choice Boards: An excellent way to increase student ownership of learning in your classroom Choice boards offer differentiation as can be created with a variety of activities that focus on students’ specific learning needs, interests, and abilities. Choice boards An excellent way to increase student ownership of learning in your classroom , choice boards. ... They can be structured like a Tic-Tac-Toe board or a pick (how ever many problems and you do by a certain date), choice boards offer differentiate instruction as it can be created to include activities on a variety of DOK Easy to create with your own topics and there are plenty on line to find….

10 VOCABULARY I am big on vocabulary. It is important in standardized test so I make sure students us it daily, when they are explaining steps on how to do a problem. The Magic fold can be used for vocabulary and of course I have a game….

11 To review vocabulary another fun activity is the Spin the Word or Phase game.
So lets play: There are vocabulary cards in your pack. Take them out turn and turn them face down in the middle of your quad or more if you need. I play this in groups of 4 with 2 on each team. They roll a number cube to see who goes first. I put the direction on the overhead so everyone can see it. I use white boards for the drawings to save paper. This person picks a card and rolls the cube to see what action they have to take to make the other team guess the vocabulary. (read the wheel to show then what they need to do if they roll a certain number)

200 POINTS CONGRUENT CYLINDER 100 POINTS 100 POINTS $100,000 Pyramid is great for vocabulary as students have to use their words to describe to another person. Lets try it. Find a partner one turns their back to the board. Topic today is Geometry. Tally your points. PLANE FIGURE VOLUME TYPES of ANGLES 50 POINTS 50 POINTS 50 POINTS

13 Interesting Trivia Among the Lepcha people of Tibet, alcohol is the only proper payment for teachers. PASS OUT SURVEYS>>>MAKE SURE THEY RETURN Cheers!

14 Another way to review vocabulary is a Math Scramble, Dance it back…
Another way to review vocabulary is a Math Scramble, Dance it back….or what every name you choose. May I get 8 volunteers 4 in each line This line is EVEN this line is ODD (This way they can’t look at each others answers) Waiting your turn you go to the board or today paper Write your answer then you have to dance back to the end of the line. The next person can’t go until they hit the end of the line…so you only have a few minutes to show your dance moves….

15 Thanks for Attending Today’s Session:
Again Thanks for attending this session. Hopefully you learned/ experienced something that you can take back to your classrooms. I have put my cards on each table. Scan to get a copy of all things shared today. If you have any question please contact me. Hope you had a great conference. If you have any question or comments please feel free to me. (contact information on website)

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