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Intelligent Bots with Headless Umbraco Up Next.

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Presentation on theme: "Intelligent Bots with Headless Umbraco Up Next."— Presentation transcript:

1 Intelligent Bots with Headless Umbraco Up Next

2 Intelligent Bots with Headless Umbraco

3 Codegarden’1 8 The Official Umbraco Developer Conference

4 #CG18 Intelligent Bots with Headless Umbraco




8 Agend a Intelligent Bots Creating CG18/BOT Making CG18/BOT Intelligent
Headless Umbraco in CG18/BOT


10 #CG18 Intelligent Bots


12 Conversation as a Platform
#CG18 Conversation as a Platform “Human language is the new UI layer, bots are like new applications, and digital assistants are meta apps. Intelligence is infused into all of your interactions.” - Satya Nadella

13 The Benefits of Bots #CG18 Reach users where they are, on any platform
Engage customers in a natural way; conversationally and in context Expose products & services in messaging platforms, where users are highly engaged Use AI to improve the customer experience and reduce the need for human intervention

14 #CG18

15 #CG18

16 #CG18 Danske Bank

17 #CG18 Maturity

18 #CG18 CG18/BOT

19 Let’s build CG18/BOT Azure Bot Service .NET Core 2.0
Microsoft Bot Framework v4.0 (PREVIEW) Visual Studio 2017 v15.8 (PREVIEW) Bot Framework Emulator v4.0 (PREVIEW)

20 #CG18 DEMO

21 #CG18 Architectur e

22 #CG18 Intelligenc e

23 Intelligence components
#CG18 Intelligence components Context NLP Conversation Context Feed context Chat Send line Intent Events Question Answer Chatbot response Feed Training Model machine Raise Learn Analysis Feed Customer History CRM

24 “My bicycle is stolen” #CG18 My bicycle is stolen My bike is stolen
Somebody took my tandem My bike got nicked My wheels are gone F**#!, they took me iron horse During the act of drinking a nice beer a rascal took advantage of me enjoying that particular beer and relieved me of my dear bicycle, god bless his soul

25 #CG18 Cognitive Services

26 #CG18 DEMO

27 #CG18 Headles s Umbrac o

28 Web development structures
#CG18 Web development structures 3 different structures of web

29 Static web development
#CG18 Static web development The static web model Easy to develop. Light weight and development cost will be cheaper. Requires a web developer to update and maintain the site. Not very interactive generally.

30 CMS web development The traditional CMS model #CG18
Content can be updated by the site owner itself. More functional. Development potentially cost more. Heavier compared to static websites.

31 Umbraco Headless development
#CG18 Umbraco Headless development Umbraco headless model Again content can be updated by the site owner itself. Decoupling the frontend and backend. Development is split up into backend and frontend. Can provide data for a vide range of devices.

32 #CG18 DEMO

33 Umbraco headless benefits
#CG18 Umbraco headless benefits The headless Umbraco provides several benefits by shifting responsibility for the UX completely into the browser/IoT-device consuming the data. A headless content delivery can be more responsive than CMS model that assembles entirely formatted responses depending on complex rules. Headless website design can dramatically improve performance by shifting display logic to the client-side and streamlining the backend process to handle data. Set frontend developers free from the structures of the backend. Headless website development eliminates div-itis and gives frontend experts full control over the experience of the users using their native tools of choice.

34 #CG18 Wrap Up

35 Agend a Intelligent Bots Creating CG18/BOT Making CG18/BOT Intelligent
Headless Umbraco in CG18/BOT

36 #CG18 GC18/BOT is available (for demo purpose only!) BIT.LY/CG18BOT

37 #CG18 Thank you.


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