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Assessment Piece – Evaluation Success Criteria

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1 Assessment Piece – Evaluation Success Criteria
I can write comments about my ideas and product and how they fulfil the brief and specification – though not in any great detail. I can include the views of my peers. I can write comments about my ideas and product and how they fulfil the brief. I can refer to specific points on my specification. I can say how my ideas or my product can be improved. I can include the views of my peers. I can write comments about my ideas and product and how they fulfil the brief. I can refer to most points on my specification. I can say how my ideas or my product can be improved. I can include the views of my peers. I can write comments about my ideas and product and how they fulfil the brief. I can refer to all points on my specification. I can say how my ideas or my product can be improved and show this with sketches and notes. I can include the views of my peers and my target market.

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