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International benchmarking: recognition of teaching in academic promotion.

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Presentation on theme: "International benchmarking: recognition of teaching in academic promotion."— Presentation transcript:

1 International benchmarking: recognition of teaching in academic promotion

2 Australian universities British universities Wollongong Tasmania Wollongong Tasmania Leicester Newcastle Leicester Newcastle Four partner benchmarking Frameworks & examples Forums in AUS & UK HEA Report Website Four partner benchmarking Frameworks & examples Forums in AUS & UK HEA Report Website UK Advisory Group External Evaluator Australian Advisory Group

3 Strongest opportunity for enhancing university teaching: when academics believe that they can be promoted for excellence in teaching. Fellowships and awards not sufficient recognition in themselves unless followed by reward of promotion.

4 Promotion Applications Me: 20 years Promotion Committee training 12 years on Promotion Committee

5 You cant measure teaching!


7 teachers DO get promoted! UOW Promotion stats 2006-2009 Promotion to: Senior LecturerAssociate Professor % success Teaching #18178 Research #19591

8 Institutional Review of Promotion good practice framework

9 framework 6 dimensions 18 benchmarks 72 focus questions

10 Benchmark 17 A transparent cycle of review tracks recognition of teaching in academic promotion Benchmark 18 Academic staff perceive that teaching achievements are valued in promotion processes

11 good practice examples


13 good practice framework guide to evidencing teaching good practice examples

14 perspectives & principles on measuring teaching support benchmarks 6, 7, 9, 10 & 12 in the promoting teaching good practice framework

15 three perspectives on evidence of teaching

16 scope of activity

17 sources of evidence

18 sphere of influence Global Community Profession Discipline Industry Government NGO University Faculty

19 the matrix

20 sample guide for applicants


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