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Relative abundances of quiet-time suprathermal ions at 1 AU

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1 Relative abundances of quiet-time suprathermal ions at 1 AU
K. Kecskeméty1, M.A. Zeldovich2, Yu.I. Logachev2 1 KFKI RMKI, Budapest, Hungary 2 Skobeltsyn Inst. of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State Univ., Russia SH nd International Cosmic Ray Conference, Beijing, 15 August 2011

2 Suprathermal and energetic ions
Energy range 100 keV - 30 MeV: always present in interplanetary space, power-law tail of Maxwellian + pick-up Mewaldt et al. (2001)

3 Quiet-time low-flux particles below ~1 MeV at 1 AU
What is their origin? What are the seed populations? What acceleration mechanisms operate? look at the elemental composition compare low and high FIP elements

4 Dayeh et al. (2009, ULEIS/ACE) C / O and Fe / O depend on the level of solar activity
80-640 keV/n Fe/O solar maximum: IP shock/SEP value, minimum: CIR

5 Selection criteria for quiet periods
Experimental data ion fluxes SOHO/EPHIN p, He 4-8 MeV/n ACE/ULEIS C, Fe, Ne-S 40 keV/n MeV/nuc WIND/STEP Fe, CNO Selection criteria for quiet periods no SEP event / active phenomena J (p, 4-8 MeV) < 510-4 /(cm2 s sr MeV) p/He (4-8 MeV/n) < 10 excludes SEP remnants J (Fe, keV/n) < 510-2 /(cm2 s sr MeV) 51 periods grouped according to Fe/O, not summed up

6 Selection of quiet-time periods

7 Fe/O keV/n ACE/ULEIS



10 Distributions

11 Energy spectra of ratios
low/high FIP ions: significant differences in 3 groups high/high FIP ions: small difference averages for

12 Quiet-time energy spectra 1998-2010

13 Summary Fe/O, C/O, Ne-S/O ratio in suprathermal fluxes:
3 different groups: flare, corona, solar wind Fe/O is near coronal value for 50% of time at solar max. ~ solar wind value for 90% of time at minimum Fe, O, and C have different spectral forms ( MeV/n) FIP bias in flare group (Fe/O)SEP/(Fe/O)ph = 14.8 ± 2.3 near solar upper atm. value in old active regions (15)  SUA can contain the seed population in SEP background group, maybe in impulsive SEP events too (?)

14 backup slides

15 Fe average charge state and Fe/O
SEPICA / ACE Fe/O Date <Q> MeV MeV MeV  1.03  0.94 in most cases: SEP material, other periods: insufficient statistics

16 Quiet periods in o  ,

17 C, O and Fe ion energy spectra

18 34 quiet intervals selected
C/O values mixed Fe/O: SEP, corona and sw periods well separated

19 Fe ion quiet-time energy spectra
=2.8 =1.9 =4.0 SEP sw corona solar wind + pickup:  = 1.5 (Fisk & Gloeckler, 2006)

20 Energy spectra of Fe/O and C/O

21 “quiet” intervals: contamination from SEP events
ACE SEPICA “quiet” intervals: contamination from SEP events SEPICA Fe charge state: very low statistics

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