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February 27th, 2017 Brown AC ELA.

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1 February 27th, 2017 Brown AC ELA

2 Learning Target ELAGSE8RL3: Analyze how particular lines of dialogue or incidents in a story or drama propel the action, reveal aspects of a character, or provoke a decision. Learning Target: Analyze how incidents in the story push the action forward, tell you about a character, and cause a decision. Warm-up: Make a list- What is important about reading To Kill a Mockingbird.

3 Opening- TKMB Project Focus: Standards: Reading- Analysis/Textual Evidence Writing- Expository or Argumentative Speaking/Listening 2. Deep Understanding of the Text. 3. Multimedia Components. 4. How Should It Be Graded?

4 Task- Work with your table partner.
Identify the Evaluate the Top Moments of the Tom Robinson Trial. Create a Graphic Organizer puts your chosen events in sequential order. You must have the following for each entry: A well-written, perfectly-punctuated sentence stating the moment. A direct quote or summary of the moment, citing it properly. Explanation of your analysis- how the moment pushed the action forward, tells you something about a character, and/or caused a decision

5 Example- Heck Tate gives his witness account to the court.
Heck Tate tells his part of the story, explaining that Bob Ewell called him to his house. He testified that Bob Ewell accused Tom Robinson for raping his daughter, Mayella. Atticus, when cross-examining Heck Tate, asked why he did not call a doctor to examine Mayella, which Tate had no answer (Lee ). This opening moment of the trial pushes the action forward, It sets up the how lopsided the trail will be as it continue, showing the lack of evidence by the prosecution.

6 Closing Share an Moment from your map.
Explain why you think it is important. Classmates- Do you agree or disagree? Explain why you think so.

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