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GJXDM Tools Team Georgia Tech Research Institute

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1 GJXDM Tools Team Georgia Tech Research Institute
GJXDM Tools Roadmap GJXDM Tools Team Georgia Tech Research Institute 8-10 June 2005

2 Overview Now Near term SSGT improvements / additional features
Justice Information Exchange Model (JIEM) Modeling Tool Component Mapping Template (CMT) Schema Subset Generation Tool (SSGT) Near term SSGT improvements / additional features Evolution of SSGT to an Information Exchange Package Documentation Tool (IEPDT) with additional features to support implementers Improved GJXDM support IEPDT gets data mapping functionality JIEM and IEPDT work together seamlessly Leveraging GJXDM Tools for NIEM

3 Now

4 JIEM now: introduction
JIEM is a Web application which facilitates analysis of business context and of content (payload) requirements of law enforcement information exchanges Analysis is represented in a site database.

5 JIEM now: dimensions A site database includes five dimensions which are used to define exchanges: process, event, agency, condition, document.

6 JIEM now: exchanges A site database also includes exchanges, which are defined using the five dimensions.

7 JIEM now: Reference Model
There is a special site database called the JIEM Reference Model, which defines exchanges common to most jurisdictions. A site database can be created from scratch or copied from another site database, or the Site Database Builder can be used to create one from the JIEM Reference Model. Using the Site Database Builder typically reduces the effort of site database creation by about 75%.

8 JIEM now: As-Is and To-Be
Exchanges can be As-Is, To-Be, or both

9 JIEM now: data elements
A site database also includes data elements, which can be simple or can be composed of other data elements.

10 JIEM now: data element usages
Documents contain data elements and define their typical usages.

11 JIEM now: exchange content requirements
Exchanges contain documents and can override the usages of their elements. Thus, an exchange’s content requirements are defined by its documents and their data elements and data element usages.

12 JIEM now: reports A wide variety of textual and graphic reports can be generated.

13 JIEM now: report categories
Reports can be categorized by content: Data Data relationships Database inconsistencies Statistics Administrative issues such as users, permissions, access, and site databases Or by usage: Comprehension of As-Is exchanges Conceptualization of To-Be exchanges Resolution of database inconsistencies Research on multiple sites Database administration

14 CMT now: introduction The CMT is an Excel spreadsheet that serves as a template for mapping local data elements to GJXDM elements. Developed as part of the effort to expand GJXDM to the NIEM by identifying data requirement gaps. Reflects experience gained from working with key GJXDM customers. Brings structure to the process of deciding how to use GJXDM to fulfill exchange content (payload) requirements. Identifies new data components for addition to the GJXDM. Machine readable format allows for automated processing.

15 CMT now: the General tab
General information on the exchange(s) being mapped

16 CMT now: the Template tab
Information on how local elements are mapped

17 CMT now: the Codes tab Information on how codes are mapped

18 CMT now: self-documentation
Help tabs: Instructions, Mapping Codes, Mapping Code Instructions, Example Template, Example Codes Column headings are hyperlinked to help

19 SSGT now: introduction
SSGT is a Web application that allows the user to browse the GJXDM and create GJXDM schema subsets and their wantlists. Supports basic and advanced search for GJXDM components.

20 SSGT now: expanding a type or property
A type can be expanded to see its properties, and a property can be expanded to see its type’s properties.

21 SSGT now: clicking a type
A type can be clicked on to see its description, base types, derived types, and properties, as well as the properties that it is the type of.

22 SSGT now: clicking a property
A property can be clicked on to see its description, the types in which it is contained, and its types.

23 SSGT now: selecting properties and types
Properties and types can be selected for inclusion in the GJXDM schema subset.

24 SSGT now: generating
When the GJXDM schema subset is generated, a .zip file is created that contains it and its corresponding wantlist.

25 SSGT now: saving and loading wantlists
Wantlists can be saved and loaded so that work can be suspended and resumed.

26 Soup to nuts now Define exchange context and content requirements in JIEM. Transfer content requirements information by hand into CMT and use it to define data mappings. Refer to CMT while using SSGT to define the GJXDM schema subset called for by CMT. Produce other artifacts required for exchange (e.g. document, extension, constraint schemas).

27 Moving forward

28 GJXDM schema subset wantlist repository
The current production version of SSGT supports saving and loading of wantlists locally, but there is no repository. A preliminary wantlist repository has been built.

29 Integration of wantlist repository with SSGT
The wantlist repository will be integrated with SSGT. Users not logged in will be able to create wantlists, save and load them locally, and search for wantlists in the repository. Logged in users will also be able to save wantlists to the repository and to remove wantlists they had previously saved from the repository.

30 Other new SSGT features
Searching for wantlists by content criteria E.g. search for wantlists including PersonType Generation of Version Impact Report (VIR) describing the impact of a GJXDM version change on a wantlist or GJXDM subset schema A VIR will be automatically sent to the point of contact for wantlists in the repository when new releases of the GJXDM are published. Support for searching and browsing by categories and taxonomies, which will be added to the GJXDM. Inclusion of an XMI representation of the GJXDM schema subset in Will allow other tools to create UML diagrams representing GJXDM schema subsets.

31 Evolution of SSGT to IEPDT

32 Information Exchange Package Documentation (IEPD)
Old terminology: Reference exchange documents New terminology: Information Exchange Package Documentation IEP – (per Federal Enterprise Architecture) a set of data that is transmitted for a specific business purpose; the actual XML instance that delivers the payload or information (on the wire). IEPD – a collection of artifacts that describe the structure and content of an IEP; does not specify other interface layers (e.g. Web services). IEPDs may contain: GJXDM schema subset, constraint schema, extension schema, document schema, business rules, sample instances, and other optional artifacts Refer to GJXDM IEPD Guidelines v1.1:

33 IEPDs and Exchange Contexts
Exchange Context (unassociated) Business context agencies, processes, trigger events, conditions Content requirements e.g. Name, SSN, DOB, … From: JIEM CMT IEPDT UI IEPD GJXDM schema subset Wantlist Document schema Extension schema New components modeled Constraint schema Business rules Other optional artifacts Exchange Context (associated) Business context agencies, processes, trigger events, conditions Content requirements e.g. Name, SSN, DOB, … Data mapping e.g. Name = j:PersonName Exchange Context (associated) Business context agencies, processes, trigger events, conditions Content requirements e.g. Name, SSN, DOB, … Data mapping e.g. Name = j:PersonName Exchange Context (associated) Business context agencies, processes, trigger events, conditions Content requirements e.g. Name, SSN, DOB, … Data mapping e.g. Name = j:PersonName 1. Harvest business context from exchanges 2. Allow other tools to leverage IEPDT capabilities

34 GJXDM tool architecture
Repository Data model components IEPD artifacts Exchange contexts CMT data User account data Web services CMT Others Tool C Tool B Tool A IEPDT application logic IEPD user interface IEPDT JIEM IEPD artifacts SSGT IEPD

35 IEPDT features overview
Data model searching and browsing IEPD searching and browsing Goal: Powerful, easy way to specify and search for existing IEPDs This goal will be fulfilled by taking advantage of all the repository’s interrelated information: data model, IEPDs, exchange contexts, etc. IEPD creation Create a new IEPD from an old one Create a new empty IEPD Data mapping Similar to Component Mapping Templates (CMT) Takes advantage of integrated data model searching and browsing Importing IEPDs (i.e., uploading) Entire IEPDs Individual IEPD artifacts CMTs Exporting IEPDs (i.e., downloading)  Version impact reporting

36 Example Web Services Access to some of the IEPDT functions:
Submit wantlist – return GJXDM schema subset Submit form and wantlist – register wantlist Submit form (and optionally IEPD) – register IEPD Submit schema or wantlist – return VIR Access to repository content: Submit URI – retrieve GJXDM component Submit search criteria – return picklist of IEPDs, wantlists, artifacts, etc. with associated handles to retrieve artifacts Submit URI – retrieve IEPD

37 IEPD pedigrees When an IEPD is created from another, IEPDT will retain information on the creation. Thus, for every IEPD, IEPDT will know what (if any) IEPD it was created from and what (if any) IEPDs were created from it. We will refer to this information as the IEPD’s pedigree. IEPDT will support browsing IEPDs by pedigree. Pedigree information might also be used to improve search capabilities.

38 IEPDT Assistant IEPDT will include a capability for assisting with certain tasks. The Assistant will not look like a paper clip. The first Assistant functionality will probably be to assist with data mapping. If the Assistant is invoked during data mapping, it will assess the current state of the exchange context’s data mapping information and make suggestions on how to make further progress.

39 Why should JIEM and IEPDT interoperate?
JIEM’s and IEPDT’s strengths will be complementary: JIEM is good at analyzing business context and specifying content requirements of exchanges. IEPDT will be good at fulfilling content requirements by locating or creating relevant IEPDs and mapping local data elements to GJXDM data elements. Interoperation will avoid duplication of developer effort which might otherwise have gone into improving JIEM’s GJXDM support by giving it IEPDT-like features. Soup to nuts improved: users will be able to proceed seamlessly from context and requirements definition in JIEM to requirements fulfillment in IEPDT and to iteratively improve requirements in JIEM and update their fulfillment in IEPDT. Interoperation will not prevent JIEM and IEPDT from being used separately.

40 How will JIEM and IEPDT interoperate?
Access IEPDT UI with pointer to Exchange Context URI IEPD Tool 3 JIEM database Reference model Site DB 1 Site DB n Web service Repository Data model components IEPD artifacts Exchange contexts CMT data User account data 1 2 Business context, Exchange Content requirements Exchange Context URI

41 Getting to the IEPDT from JIEM the first time

42 What to do with the new exchange context?
Consider its content requirements and choose an IEPD with which to associate it: Existing Do data mapping without altering the IEPD. New created from existing Do data mapping and change the IEPD as needed. Brand new Create the IEPD and do data mapping.

43 Getting back to the IEPDT from JIEM

44 Leveraging GJXDM Tools for the
National Information Exchange Model (NIEM)

45 National Information Exchange Model Concept
AmberAlert <AmberAlert> Transport <Transport> EDXL_Msg IEPD Template Information Exchange Package Descriptions (IEPDs) Virtual Object Reuse Repository – types, properties, business containers, msg constructs, service metadata, … Homeland Security Health Core Common Universal-Core other Emergency Management Transportation Justice Semantically consistent across all domains Tools, methods, mapping, process, training, etc. IEPDs Exchange Requirements reusable components Collaborative Tools (for distributed consensus) New components Governance Bodies New reusable components If you consider what you just heard … JIEM (-> IEM) JIEM Ref Model (Agencies, Process, Events, Conditions, Information) Reuse of components Building IEPDs Reuse of IEPDs built by others IEPD pedigree Schema Subset Generation Tool / IEPD Tool Wantlists Exchange context Version Impact Reporting (VIR) Nothing is specific to Justice (except content) Concepts Methods Approaches Tools … even the content structure ... are not specific to a domain. They can be applied to the data objects for any domain.

46 Expansion of the Repository and Metadata
GJXDM External Namespaces (code tables) AS-IS Business Rules GJXDM Other Namespaces WantLists JIEM Reference Model Extensions Business containers and msg constructs IEPDs TO-BE Expand the types of artifacts that can be stored, registered, and related within the repository. 1 Establish relationships between artifacts based on context, scope, and other attributes. 3 Expand the repository metadata to support the addition of new artifacts. 2

47 Harvesting and Expanding the Meta-Model
Want List Business Rules Data Model Defn <j:item … /j:item> Context 1 parties: exchange: bus rules: domain: class: Context 2 parties: exchange: bus rules: Context 3 parties: exchange: bus rules: Context is harvested from IEP usage and description artifacts IEPD IEPD Library Exchange Model Types & Properties Domains Exchanges Authorities Taxonomies Scope – set of contexts for a given component

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