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Utopia by Dayton B. Kyle R. and Nolan C.

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Presentation on theme: "Utopia by Dayton B. Kyle R. and Nolan C."— Presentation transcript:

1 Utopia by Dayton B. Kyle R. and Nolan C.
Northville Utopia by Dayton B. Kyle R. and Nolan C.

2 Population Pop. 6 people. 9 dogs. 3 cats.

3 Educational System we teach hunter education and learn how to skin/gut when they kill their first animal

4 Government type (structure)
Government is a democracy but everyone in the community helps decide rules and things needed. Suggested rules can be provoked.

5 Location (physical description)
Location is in the middle of nowhere. In montana 225 miles south west of missoula. coordinates: ,

6 Rules No killing (murder) Manslaughter punishment is the death penalty. No robbery or grand theft auto. To get around you must drive a pickup. No public nudity. When hunting you must take corpse with you never leave it there. When mining if gold is found 1.3% of it is given to the community leader(s).

7 Punishment If a law is to be broken there is no jail but if you break laws you will have to work triple overtime.

8 Work Jobs are in Mining (for money and resources), Hunting (for food), building (for shelter), Farming (also for food and money).

9 Environment Our environment has a small hill/mine for hunting and of course mining. We have trees and a field for crops.

10 Family (family structure)
There is a Dad a Mom and a kid. Each family can have any amount of cats or dogs they want.

11 Health care There will be a hospital. It is free.
It does not require insurance.

12 Leisure Activities Life is free with few rules. Mainly for Fun.
Extra time is spent playing video games(free pizza friday.)

13 Transportation everyone drives a truck or an old muscle car(camaro, mustang, etc.)

14 Appearance Men: Women:

15 Community The community is a small country town.
The name is Northville.

16 Way of death Way of death is natural or accidental (work related death) If mine Collapse

17 Birth Control If there is too many people we will let the community know that we are in an "overload warning". It tells them not to creat bebies

18 Birthdays Birthdays are celebrated. They get parties for every two birthdays. When men become teens (in our way 16) he will work in the mines and transfer from mining to hunting.Women will do farming.

19 Birthdays Continued Both sexes have a choice to sign up for building. If no one signs up there will be a recruiting for work people. 17 year olds take health classes for being a doctor and can work as that until retirement. At 18 you have a choice to stay with your family or leave and build your house (2 years of building required)

20 Retirement A person can retire from work after age 60.
By then there would be another worker for the job. Retired workers will tutor younger people and new workers.

21 Schedule it doesn't matter what time you go to bed just as long as you're up by 8 o'clock. You can also stay up all night but you can't fall asleep on the job.

22 House Inside: Outside:

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