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Had economic success been achieved by 1979?

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Presentation on theme: "Had economic success been achieved by 1979?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Had economic success been achieved by 1979?
Explain measures used by governments C/B Analyse the success of policies A Evaluate how far economic success had been reached

2 Key Words Stagflation: slow economy, high inflation, high unemployment
Siege Economy: import controls are put in place and output is controlled ‘Stop-go’ approach: raising and lowering things like taxation and interest rates when needed Monetarist: the economy can be controlled by controlling the money supply E/D Explain measures used by governments C/B Analyse the success of policies A Evaluate how far economic success had been reached

3 Task – the economy Read the economy cards and annotate with:
The Prime Minister Information about each one Use the sources to plan an answer to the essay question: How far do you agree with the view that economic policies of British governments between 1945 and 1979 were a success? E/D Explain measures used by governments C/B Analyse the success of policies A Evaluate how far economic success had been reached

4 Task – the workplace Read through the cards and sources and identify evidence for and against the following essay question: How successfully did British governments manage the problems of industrial conflict ? E/D Explain measures used by governments C/B Analyse the success of policies A Evaluate how far economic success had been reached

5 Winter of discontent

6 Task In your groups, write down ideas around the following key questions: How did changes in employment patterns impact on industrial relations between 1918 and 1979? Between 1918 and 1979, why did the role of women in the workplace not change significantly? Why did Wilson, Heath and Callaghan fail to tackle the problem of poor industrial relations? E/D Explain measures used by governments C/B Analyse the success of policies A Evaluate how far economic success had been reached

7 Plenary Why was 1969 an important year in industrial relations?
What changes were significant in bringing down the Heath government? E/D Explain measures used by governments C/B Analyse the success of policies A Evaluate how far economic success had been reached

8 Home Learning Changes in government Changes in economic policy
For the years The direction of arrows should show the direction of effect Write explanations on your arrows Changes in government Changes in economic policy Changes in industrial relations

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