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Solving Multi-Step Equations

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1 Solving Multi-Step Equations

2 Balance Scale? Warm up We want to make both sides of the scale equal.
2 lbs. + 6 lbs. (add 6 pounds) 8 lbs. - 6 lbs. (subtract 6 pounds) Adding 6 lbs. on the left side or subtracting 6 lbs. on the right side will balance the scale. Both sides will be equal.

3 Recall: Solving One Step Equations
x + 3 = 5 -3 = -3 x = 2

4 Solving Multi-Step Equations
Sometimes solving an equation may require two or more transformations. Guidelines : Goal is to get the solution “x = some number” Simplify one or both sides of the equation. Use the inverse operations to isolate the variable. Whatever you do to one side of the equation, you have to do to the other!

5 Solving Multi-Step Equations
What is the inverse operation of addition? Ex 1) 2x + 7 = = - 7 2x = x = 4 Combining Like Terms Ex 2) 7x – 3x – 8 = 24 4x – 8 = = + 8 4x = x = 8

6 Solving Multi-Step Equations
Ex 3) Using the distributive property 5x + 3(x + 4) = 28 5x + 3x + 12 = 28 8x + 12 = = -12 8x = x = 2

7 Relay Race Activity How to play. Groups of four
Establish who is player #1- #4 Player #1 from both teams will start the race. He/she must answer the first problem before giving the paper to player #2 to answer the second problem. After player #2 answers, it is player #3’s turn and so forth… Only one player is allowed to look at the paper at a time. Until all 4 problems are answered, then your group can make any corrections if necessary. First team to hand me their paper with all 4 problems correct wins. Please take note: You must substitute the previous value found to solve the next problem. (With exception of player #1)

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