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Team Captain Meeting #1 February 7th, 2012

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Presentation on theme: "Team Captain Meeting #1 February 7th, 2012"— Presentation transcript:

1 Team Captain Meeting #1 February 7th, 2012

2 What year did the first Relay For Life take place?
Relay Trivia What year did the first Relay For Life take place?

3 Answer: 1985

4 Who started Relay For Life?
Relay Trivia Who started Relay For Life?

5 Answer: Dr. Gordy Klatt He ran for 24 hours and throughout the night, his friends would pay $25 to walk or run with him for 30 minutes. He ran 83 miles and raised $27,000

6 Relay Trivia How much money has been raised by Relays?

7 Answer: Over $3 billion JUST with Relays!

8 Relay For Life 2012 Information Review
When is Relay? April 20th-21st 6pm-9am Where is Relay? Planning on Munn Field Goals/Relay Online Updates: Current money raised: $9,402 Goal: $126,000 Current Number of Teams Signed Up: 48 Current Number of Participants: 259 Current Number of Survivors: 2 Goal: 40 (and 100 virtual survivors)

9 Relay Zoo! Decorate campsite Pick a Disney theme or specific animal
Create a fundraiser for the event that ties in with personal theme

10 Signing Up Online





15 Fundraising Communication for Team Captains i.e. send an out, call team members, hold a relay meeting with your team, etc. Supplies Office Hours: Mondays the International Center Lobby

16 Team Captain Meeting #1 Challenge!
Team Captains who recruit 10 or more people to join their team by February 18th will get a special free t-shirt and recognition at the next meeting!

17 To Do List for Next Meeting
Sign your team up online! Choose a co-captain (if you want) Recruit team members & have them register! Motivate your team to start sending out s! Start fundraising! Come to the next meeting! February 7pm

18 Contact Info/Question and Answer Caroline Kumm Bo Zwingman

19 Thanks for coming! See you February 21st at 7pm!

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