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The Carter Presidency Ch. 31 Sec. 3 Pp. 910-912.

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1 The Carter Presidency Ch. 31 Sec. 3 Pp

2 The Election of 1976 Ford restored confidence in government, but Watergate was still fresh in minds Democrats ran Carter/Mondale Ronald Reagan challenged Ford for the Republican nomination

3 The Election of 1976 Ford stressed his achievements
Carter promised to clean up government Carter won the election African Americans in the south were Carter supporters

4 An Informal Presidency
Washington “outsider” Wore business suit to inauguration, not formal clothing Wanted to be seen as an average American

5 Struggling with the Economy
Carter increased federal spending and decreased taxes Unemployment decreased, but inflation occurred Carter then proposed spending cuts and a delayed tax cut Reversal made him look weak Since outsider, had trouble getting Congress to support programs

6 Energy Crisis Trade deficit – value of foreign goods exceeded the value of domestic goods National Energy Plan – created Dept. of Energy, research alternative fuels, taxes to encourage domestic oil production, and energy conservation

7 Nuclear Power March 1979 – major accident at Three Mile Island in PA
10% of U.S. energy came from nuclear power Anti-nuclear movement spreads Carter did not want to halt the nuclear energy program

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