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Stages of human development

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1 Stages of human development
Survival of species Stages of human development

2 What are the stages of human development?
The stages of human development are the different developmental periods that humans go through in their lifetime. After birth, humans enter childhood, followed by adolescence and finally adulthood.

3 The human life cycle

4 Childhood After birth, humans grow very quickly.
They develop their physical, mental and social abilities. Divided in 3 : Infancy, Early childhood, Childhood

5 Infancy From birth to age 2
Characterized by brain development and rapid growth. Infants learn to walk at around age 1 Start talking at around age 2 This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-ND

6 Early Childhood From age 2 to age 6 Children continue to grow rapidly
Most activities are centred around play They learn to socialize and interact with their peers This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

7 Childhood From age 6 to age 10 Growth starts to slow
They become stronger and better coordinated This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

8 Adolescence From age 10 to age 18
Begins with puberty ( age 10 for girls and age 12 for boys) Reproductive organs become functional.

9 Stage marked by the development of primary and secondary sexual characteristics due to sex hormones.
Rapid growth Behavioural changes Puberty

10 Growth stops Girls experience their last growth spurt at around age 12
Stop growing entirely around age 16 Boys experience their last growth spurt at around age 14 Stop growing entirely around age 18

11 Longest stage of human development
Adulthood Longest stage of human development Divided in 2 : Adulthood and old age

12 Adulthood From age 18 to age 70 Human reach maturity
Become productive and engage in social causes Many start families during adulthood Women reach menopause (end their ability to reproduce) at around age 50 Men can continue to reproduce until they die

13 Old age From about age 70 Marked by a progressive loss of muscle mass and physical strength. In men, this process start around age 67 In women, this process start around age 70 General wear and tear on the body means that some organs stop working properly. During old age, people reduce their activities

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