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Vietnam Era Strife The Draft.

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1 Vietnam Era Strife The Draft

2 Famous Draft Evaders/Dodgers?
George W. Bush National Guard Dick Cheney Marriage and Kids Bill Clinton Student Deferment Cassius Clay Religious Objection

3 Pre 1969 Draft 18-25 year old males eligible for first priority
Oldest first policy held young people up for their entire period of eligibility. Local draft boards made huge decisions regarding who would go and who would be deferred. i.e. All white draft boards in Mississippi where 42 percent of the population was Black. 10,000 members of the Mississippi National Guard and not one African-American in the whole organization.

4 1970 Draft Lottery Attempt to make the draft more fair.
Still many ways of avoiding service due to huge amount of deferments. First priority went to young men turning 20 on the year of the lottery. This made it so you didn’t have to worry for as many years. In 1970 #s were drawn.

5 The Draft Today Student derferment only works until the end of the current semester. Local boards are required by law to be representative of the racial and national origins of the registrants in the area served by the board. Today we would use a lottery. We would use the rule of 20. You are eligible for your entire year of your 20th birthday for high priority.

6 Famous Draft Protests and Riots
1965-Draft Card Burnings at Berkley. 30,000 attended. 1966-Muhammad Ali sentenced to five years. Later appealed. Lost heavyweight title and banned for three years. ,000 march on Central Park in New York. Addressed by Martin Luther King Jr. and Dr. Benjamin Spock. Democratic National Convention. Turned into a “police riot,” eight people charged with conspiracy to riot. 1969 – Moritorium to End the Vietnam War Day. Millions took the day off from work and school to protest the war. 1970- Kent State Riots. Protest at the National Guard Building leave three dead.

7 Public Opinion:MonthPercentage who agreed with war
August % March % May % September % November % February % May % July % October % December % February % March % April % August % October % February % October % January % April % May % January % May %

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