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IENG 362 Markov Chains.

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Presentation on theme: "IENG 362 Markov Chains."— Presentation transcript:

1 IENG 362 Markov Chains

2 Inventory Example Transition Matrix P = 080 184 368 632 264 .

3 2-step transitions Suppose we start with 3 in inventory. What is the probability we will have 1 in inventory after 2 time periods (2 steps)? 3 1 2 t t t+2 P X t { | } + = 2 1 3

4 2-step transitions ; found by finding probability of all paths from state 3 to state 1 P X t { | } + = 2 1 3 3 1 2 t t t+2

5 2-step transitions P X t { | } + = 2 1 3 = + P X t { | } 2 1 3

6 2-step transitions P X t { | } + = 2 1 3 = + P X t { | } 1 3 2

7 2-step transitions P X { | } = 1 3 = p31p33 + p21p32 + p11p31 + p01p30
= p31p p21p p11p31 + p01p30

8 2-step transitions Suppose we start with 3 in inventory. What is the probability we will have 1 in inventory after 2 time periods (2 steps)? P X t { | } + = 2 1 3 = p31p p21p p11p31 + p01p30

9 Chapman-Kolmogorov Eqs.
X t { | } + = 2 1 3 = p31p p21p p11p31 + p01p30 p k 31 2 3 1 ( ) = å

10 Chapman-Kolmogorov Eqs.
31 2 3 1 ( ) = å In general, p ij n ik m k M kj ( ) = - å

11 Aside; Matrix Multiplication
00 01 02 03 10 11 12 13 20 21 22 23 30 31 32 33 x a31 = p31p p21p p11p31 + p01p30

12 Aside; Matrix Multiplication
00 01 02 03 10 11 12 13 20 21 22 23 30 31 32 33 x a31 = p31p p21p p11p31 + p01p30 = P X t { | } + = 2 1 3

13 Chapman-Kolmogorov Eqs.
ij n ik m k M kj ( ) = - å In matrix form, P n ( ) =

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