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Canada’s Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) Program

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1 Canada’s Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) Program
Abe Finkelstein, P. Eng. Environment Canada Technologies Strategies Division Science & Technology Branch Paris, France November 26, 2007

2 What is Verification? An independent third party validation of environmental performance claims for technologies and processes, based on sound science, high quality data & recognized protocols.

3 History Canadian Environmental Industry Strategy recommended establishment of technology verification program license agreement signed between the EC and OCETA/ETV Canada to 2005 – renewed 2010 Canada officially launches the ETV Program Reciprocity agreements signed with the States of California and New Jersey Over 50 Verifications awarded by Environment Ministers at Globe and Americana Conferences (1998 – 2006) Training programs and workshops organized in China, India, Korea, Bangladesh and Nepal Program redesign to better meet needs of the Government of Canada and international harmonization efforts ETV Canada Inc. owned 50/50 by Ontario Centre for Environmental Technology Advancement (OCETA) and Terra Choice Inc. from 1997 to 1999 and 100% by OCETA since 2000. Cross-country consultations were held with Canadian environment industry in 1995/96 to develop program design IC & EC funded the development of the verification program intellectual property and assessment protocols Industry Canada support reduced due to priority realignments (2000)

4 Canadian Program Operations
Delivered by OCETA/ETV Canada arms length & not-for-profit Administers program on a fee for service basis Manages network of verification entities Monitors compliance by clients for use of trademarks Markets program through web site, trade shows and fact sheets Provides candidates for awards ceremony at major trade shows Acronyms OCETA : Ontario Centre for Environmental Technology Advancement ETV: Environmental Technology Verification EU: European Union SDTC: Sustainable Development Technology Canada GMF: Green Municipal Fund

5 Rationale for Arms Length Delivery
Reduced liability to Government Better positioned for cost recovery Increased transparency Lower transactional costs More flexible to address client needs Better protects intellectual property Able to interface with multi-levels of government Less political interference

6 Canadian Operations Environment Canada Licensor Awards QMS Dev.
Protocols Dev. Policy & Regulations International cooperation OCETA / ETV Canada Licensee Administration Recovers Fees Manages VE network Int’l Working Group (IWG) Protocols Reporting VE Networks ISO -Standards Technology Developers Claims & test data Pay for services Markets using Logo Government of Canada Policy Regulations Value for Money Emission Trading Competitiveness Industry Consensus Benchmarks Standards Verification Entities (VE) Fee for Services Apply protocols Evaluate claims Report on findings

7 Technology Innovation Continuum
Verification TEC PUSH VERIFICATION PROOF OF CONCEPT FEASIBILITY & PROTOTYPE DEVELOPMENT & DEMONSTRATION MARKETING & SALES DEPLOY OR OPERATE IDEA RESEARCH Note to Brian: Funding Sources will appear on second click One of your tasks during this workshop will be to identify in what capacity EC should be involved in this continuum, which we be further explained later this morning. CERTIFICATION Certification ENHANCED GLOBAL COMPETITIVENESS ENHANCED GLOBAL COMPETITIVE- NESS

8 The Value of Verification
Government Environment Industry Regulated A decision support tool for assisting program managers, regulators, policy makers and procurement officers A marketing tool designed to help innovators bring new environmental technologies into the domestic and international marketplace A benchmarking tool employing multi-stakeholders to develop test plans and protocols for technology performance claims encompassing regulatory, economic and social criteria

9 Marketing Tool Technology developers apply for the credibility that comes with having the stamp of approval from your government Verification is also being used to accelerate the development and deployment of new environmental technologies Integrating Canada’s verification program with those of our key trading partners to ensure a level playing field is established for Canada’s technology sector in the global market place

10 Decision Support for Government
Policy makers on pre-normative options to set proposed emission targets based on verified performance of technology options Regulators in areas where no data or methods exists, providing third-party data and stakeholder input to meet or establish proposed regulatory targets Program managers responsible for foundations and government programs that fund technology demonstrations, to ensure credibility of project results and “value for money” Procurement personnel by providing high quality & credible performance data for purchasing decisions Emission traders to reduce financial risks associated with trades by ensuring independent third-party audits

11 Benchmarking Multi-stakeholders (i.e. technology vendors, users, associations, regulators & policy makers) work to identify acceptable performance standards Methods for screening, testing, assessing and verifying performance are established, through consensus. Verifications employ both quantitative and qualitative procedures through 3rd parties Social, cultural and economic issues are explored M.A.R.S. Amalgam Boss Tymco DST 6 Regenerative-Air street sweeper

12 Current Activities Working with Standards Council of Canada on International harmonization efforts by improving ETV Canada’s QMS Acting as Secretariat for International Working Group on EPV Undertaking co-verifications with the US-EPA to support international harmonization efforts Engaging Canada’s technology funding programs in co-verifications and ensuring eligibility for verification costs Supporting domestic initiatives in priority areas – Adding Criteria Air Contaminants to GHG reporting, Vehicle fleet engine after-market devices, Bio-energy & biofuels performance benchmarks, Storm water management, Rapid soil toxicity testing protocols Acronyms ANSI: American National Standards Institute SCC: Standards Council of Canada ISO: International Standards Organization EU: European Union EPA: Environmental Protection Agency SMART: System of Measurement and Reporting for Technologies GHG: Greenhouse Gas emission

13 Challenges Addressing the need for international EPV process
Developing common standards Ensuring transparency Lowering transactional costs Establishing global recognition Building quality and credibility Ensuring adequate financial resources (unsustainable by industry alone)

14 Conclusion Canada has the capacity to ensure that:
Sound eco-technologies are introduced into the Canadian and global market place Environmental performance indicators used in setting regulations are based on real and verifiable data Proposed emissions targets based on eco-technologies are validated through third party reviews Level playing fields are established with our key international partners Federally funded environmental projects and emission trading regimes are verifiable

15 Thank you Clarification? Questions? Discussion?
Contact Information: Abe Finkelstein Environment Canada 351 St Joseph Blvd Gatineau, Quebec Canada K1A 0H3

16 ETV Canada Graduates - Examples
Bionest Technologies Inc. Grand-Mère, Québec Status : Current License Agreement  BIONEST SA-3, SA-3D, and BN-400 Wastewater Treatment Systems The BIONEST SA-3, the BIONEST SA-3D the BN-400 are wastewater treatment systems for household use. The technology developed by Bionest is based on the well established principle of biological digestion of residential sewage using sequential biological treatment. Blue-Zone Technologies Ltd. Concord, Ontario Status : Current License Agreement  Deltane™ The Deltane™ Technology is a product and process combined which traps, recovers and purifies otherwise vented, anesthetic agents used in hospitals and veterinary clinics to medical standards, thus extending their life cycle. 12

17 ETV Canada Graduates - Examples Con’t.
Canadian Hydrogen Energy Company Ltd. Bowmanville, Ontario Status : Current License Agreement  Hydrogen Fuel Injection System Through electrolysis, the Hydrogen Fuel Injection (HFI) kit generates hydrogen and oxygen, which are injected directly into the intake manifold. Danron Enterprises Winnipeg, Manitoba Status : Current License Agreement  Electro-coagulation treatment system (ECT) The mobile electro-coagulation treatment system (ECT) is a wastewater treatment system developed by Danron Mechanical that can be transported to different site locations to treat contaminated waters. 12

18 ETV Canada Graduates - Examples Con’t.
EnviroTower Inc. Toronto, Ontario Status : Current License Agreement  EnviroTower Cooling Tower Water Treatment System The EnviroTower Cooling Tower Water Treatment System is a self-regulating system which automatically prevents scale, corrosion and microbiological fouling in the piping, condenser, spray bars and tower fill components of cooling tower circuits. Imbrium Systems Incorporated Toronto, Ontario Status : Current License Agreement  Stormceptor® System The Stormceptor® System removes pollutants from stormwater runoff by gravity separation. 12

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