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What do you know about Christianity?

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Presentation on theme: "What do you know about Christianity?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What do you know about Christianity?

2 Learning objective – to explore pre-existing knowledge of Christianity.
I can describe some key aspects of Christianity. Level 3 I can describe in detail many aspects of Christianity. Level 4 I can explain some ways that Christianity impacts my life. Level 5

3 Think Your worksheet contains boxes which have a subheading that relate to different aspects of Christianity. Write as many words in the boxes that relate to each aspect of Christianity. You have four minutes to do this independently.

4 Pair and share Swap worksheets with the person next to you. In a different colour pen/pencil, add more words as you can to the boxes. You have four minutes and can talk to your partner about the worksheets, filling in as much detail as you can into the boxes provided.

5 Most important words Read your completed worksheet. Choose the most important 10 words that summarise what you think Christianity is all about and underline them. Circle what you think are the 3 most important words.

6 Make your own word cloud
A word cloud is a great way of visually summarising a topic. Choose a shape that you think symbolises Christianity. Using your 10 most important words, create a word cloud in your exercise books with your top 3 words being the largest in the word cloud.

7 Choose your plenary Using what you have learnt this lesson .......
Create an acrostic using the word ‘Christianity’. - Tweet my lesson – summarise your learning this lesson in no more than 140 characters. - Summarise your learning by drawing 3 symbols and write one sentence for each symbol, explaining your decision.

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