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Zeynep İlayda Karakuzu

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Presentation on theme: "Zeynep İlayda Karakuzu"— Presentation transcript:

1 Zeynep İlayda Karakuzu
ForecastIng Mehmet Can Ünlü Zeynep İlayda Karakuzu Yağızhan Özdemir Çağdaş Şahin Sergen Vural

2 OutlIne İnformation about number of passenger Scatter plot
Linear trend line and exponential trend line. Estimate the number of passengers

3 Passenger number Over the past 5 years, There has been a steady increase in the number of passengers of Finnair There are about 10.2 million passengers in 2015 and this figure has risen to 10.8 million passengers in 2016

4 Trend AnalysIs (exponentIal)
According to the exponential analysis, the number of passengers of Finnair increased by million passengers in 2018

Linear analysis showsthe number of passengers of Finnair increased by million passengers in 2018

6 When we compare two trend analysis (Linear and Exponential)
ForecastIng When we compare two trend analysis (Linear and Exponential) The number of passengers foreseen by exponential analysis is million passengers but the number of passengers foreseen is million for 2018 Appropriate trend analysis is exponential


8 https://investors. finnair

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