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Wegeners’s Claim Wegener thought the edges of the continents looked as though they could fit together like the pieces of a puzzle. Wegener hypothesized.

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5 Wegeners’s Claim Wegener thought the edges of the continents looked as though they could fit together like the pieces of a puzzle. Wegener hypothesized (claim) that they actually had all fit together at one time to form a single continent that later broke apart. He called the continent Pangaea because the word means “all land”.

6 Evidence for Continental Drift
Climate clues Fossil clues Rock clues

7 Answer: Evidence for the theory include: 1) identical fossils and rock types found on different continents, 2) the spreading of the ocean floor, and 3) the shapes of the continental coastlines that fit together.

8 What are tectonic plates, and how do they move
*What are tectonic plates, and how do they move? *How do tectonic plate movements cause various processes? *How do the three primary types of plate boundaries produce different landforms? *How are the rock cycle and plate tectonics related?


10 IN-How do tectonic plate movements cause various natural processes?
Feb 23rd IN-How do tectonic plate movements cause various natural processes? OUT- How do the three primary types of plate boundaries produce different landforms?

11 IN- What is illustrated by the rock cycle?
Feb 26th OUT- Explain one way that the rock cycle can illustrate the principle of conservation of matter.

12 Feb 27th IN- What will happen if a continental plate collides with an oceanic plate? OUT- What will happen if a continental plate collides with a continental plate?

13 What scientific evidence supports the theory of plate tectonics?

14 FEB 28th IN- What kind of boundary forms the Mid-Atlantic Ridge? OUT- Which plate is covering most of two continents? What two continents?


16 IN- Based on what you looked at yesterday, are tectonic plate boundaries located near the edges or in the center of continents? OUT- What natural processes occur because of plate tectonic movements? MARCH 1ST

17 IN- Why is magma forced toward Earth’s surface?
March 2nd OUT- Explain why volcanoes are commonly found at the edges of Earth’s moving plates.

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