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The Crucible Act I Vocabulary

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1 The Crucible Act I Vocabulary

2 1. Predilection (N). –a tendency to think favorably of something in particular
2. Parochial (Adj.) –of or pertaining to a parish; very limited or narrow in space or outlook 3. Ingratiating (Adj.) –charming, agreeable, pleasing; deliberately meant to gain favor

3 Dissembling (V). –give false or misleading appearance to; conceal the truth or real nature of-pretense 5. Subservient (Adj.) –serving or acting in a subordinate capacity

4 Calumny (N.)—a false and malicious statement designed to injure the reputation of someone or something. 7. Inferentially (Adv.)—determined by reasoning from something known or assumed

5 8. Inculcation (N.)—teaching by repetition and insistent urging
9. Propitiation (N.)—appeasement or conciliation (to overcome the distrust or hostility of; placate; win over)

6 10. Licentious (Adj.)—disregarding accepted rules
11. Covenant (N.)—a binding agreement; a compact

7 12. Prodigious (Adj.)—wonderful or marvelous; extraordinary in size

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