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MAE 3291: JUNIOR DESIGN Final Team List Design Showcase Requirements

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Presentation on theme: "MAE 3291: JUNIOR DESIGN Final Team List Design Showcase Requirements"— Presentation transcript:

1 MAE 3291: JUNIOR DESIGN Final Team List Design Showcase Requirements
Development of Project Objectives February 25, 2008 Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department Florida Institute of Technology D. R. Kirk

2 2008-2009 DESIGN TEAMS UAV 14 students Assignment 3: Completed
Hybrid Rocket XX students Assignment 3: Human-Powered Land-Speed Vehicle 7 students Titan Exploration Group 11/30/2018 MAE 3291

3 2008-2009 DESIGN TEAMS GLXP XX students Assignment 3: PIFAS
Team Juggernaut: Micro-aerial Vehicle 5 students Assignment 3: Completed Wind Turbine Team 9 students 11/30/2018 MAE 3291

4 Development of Objectives

5 The function served by a work objective is to clearly communicate:
WRITING OBJECTIVES The function served by a work objective is to clearly communicate: The nature of the work to be performed Guidelines for determining if its performance is satisfactory Think about for whom the objectives are being prepared Your team and faculty (who are evaluating your work) Verb-object or action component Emphasize results instead of activity Measurable standards work must satisfy Answer question: How do you know you are successful? Set your own measurable success criteria Don’t confuse broad goals with objectives Put broad goals in the introduction List objectives 11/30/2018 MAE 3291

6 More of a goal than an objective – it’s fine in an introduction
EXAMPLE: EKRANOPLAN Example: The main objective of the Florida Tech Ekranoplan Team is to study the little understood phenomenon of ground effect in order to make a case for replacing large ocean freighters with WIG aircraft Comments: More of a goal than an objective – it’s fine in an introduction Is ground effect really a ‘little understood phenomena’? If so must substantiate this claim in some way First, the team will perform a substantial literature search and wind tunnel study to try to gain a better physical understanding of the dominant fluid mechanical principles which govern the phenomenon What does substantial mean? Do you really need a wind tunnel study to get this physical understanding? What are these ‘dominant fluid mechanical principles’? 11/30/2018 MAE 3291

7 Can this be done more expediently?
EXAMPLES: EKRANOPLAN Example: This data, along with the data gathered from our wind tunnel testing, will hopefully allow the team to develop a system of permanent equations that will allow us to mathematically show why ground effect vehicles are more efficient and which designers can use to design WIG vehicles in the future. Comments: Great idea, correlate data from wind tunnel and experiment to develop new predictive methods Very difficult to do Can this be done more expediently? 11/30/2018 MAE 3291

8 Gather as much literature on ground effect as possible
EXAMPLE: EKRANOPLAN Example: Gather as much literature on ground effect as possible Build a simple apparatus to study the effect in the wind tunnel Build wing segments for the apparatus to conduct the study Perform a few weeks of testing to gather data Compile all the data and draw conclusions based on results Comments: Went from general goal to specifics Clear list of 5 tasks to be done Now make these more specific and figure out a way to determine if your objectives have been met Excellent start to the list, tie in with specifications 11/30/2018 MAE 3291

Excellent idea to have this right after the objectives Think of this section as, if we do this, we’ll be successful (get an A) Broken into quantitative vs. qualitative measures Tie success criteria to specifications Don’t make these achievable if and only if everything during your project does perfectly to plan Put a few ‘easy’ ones in that you can achieve by say, October or November Example: Achieve a transportation efficiency: >> 0.23 kg/hour/kW (modern turbo-diesel barge) Comments: A clear goal, a clear number that is a target Corroborate with literature How do measure (or even predict) this number? 11/30/2018 MAE 3291

Optimize weight vs. takeoff distance ratio: > 111 kg/m (Boeing 747, ref [X]) Comments: Another clear target number with literature substantiation How will you do this, can you do this? Have a Lift vs. Drag: > 150 At what condition? Why do you need 150? Range, endurance calculations to show the benefit of L/D=150 11/30/2018 MAE 3291

Consider the potential flow generated by a pair of cylinders located in a cross-stream, V∞, each with radius R, and located at x = 0, y = ±A (A>R). Write the y and f for this flow, and derive the velocity components. Show that there exists a plane of symmetry at y = 0 where vertical velocity is zero. Show that there exists a streamline that runs along this axis of symmetry. Note: This streamline can be used to represent a ‘ground plane’, and thus this potential flow combination – a source doublet and its ‘image doublet’ represents a cylinder in ground effect. Derive expressions for the coefficients of lift and drag for the cylinder located about the ground. How do they vary as the cylinder gets closer to the ground (i.e., the cylinder and its image get closer together)? What are implications of this results for an airplane trying to land on a runway? A V∞ R 11/30/2018 MAE 3291

12 ASSIGNMENT #4 Based on your literature review so far:
What are the overall goals of your project (3-4 sentences)? Develop at least 5 objectives You can leave certain numbers blank that you don’t know yet State what these numbers mean and how you will get them Continue literature review over spring break Goal is to be done with broad literature review by March 31 Literature review will be contained in the first team report due on March 31 Detail after spring break About a 5 page document per team (or presentation style) List 3 sets of preliminary (VERY SIMPLE) calculations that your team can get started on Pencil and paper (or EXCEL style), 1D, steady, isentropic, etc. State what these calculations will tell you about how to proceed with your design DUE: Monday, March 10 by noon! Submit 1 assignment per team via or hard copy 11/30/2018 MAE 3291

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