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AquaSpace Case Study Argyll and Bute, Scotland, UK: Issues and Tools

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1 AquaSpace Case Study Argyll and Bute, Scotland, UK: Issues and Tools
The research leading to these results has been undertaken as part of the AquaSpace project (Ecosystem Approach to making Space for Aquaculture, and has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation under grant agreement n° Horizon 2020

2 Case study background Left: Atlantic salmon farm locations in Scotland, 2014 (Marine Scotland 2014). Right; Argyll and Bute case study site (Wikimedia Commons 2016) Scottish Government supports growth in aquaculture to 210,00T by 2020 Active aquaculture sites; Salmon Trout Mussels Oysters Competition for marine space Tourism Fisheries Between aquaculture sectors Scottish Government supports growth in aquaculture to 210,00T by 2020 Active aquaculture sites; Salmon Trout Mussels Oysters Competition for marine space; Other aquaculture companies Fisheries Leisure and tourism Visual amenity Inform spatial management strategies for salmon aquaculture sites Provide information to support ecologically optimally site location and stocking

3 Case study issues Argyll and Bute has a long coastline and suitable waters for aquaculture development. Current management, planning and social constraints means identification of areas where expansion is acceptable and desired are limited and difficult to identify. The aquaculture industry spends a lot of time and money attempting to expand to new sites or change use on current sites, with varying outcomes. Complexities involved in whether the industry gets their licences and planning relate to ecological/ environmental and social suitability. Part of a marine region – Marine (Scotland) Act 2010 – MSP National level links with EU policy: Marine (Scotland) Act 2010 (linked with Maritime Spatial Planning Directive) National Marine Plan Regional Marine Planning Partnerships/ Marine Regions Planning policy (linked with Blue Growth) Increase in aquaculture

4 Stakeholder feedback and recommendations
Main issues identified by stakeholders: Managing sea lice – cost, time and poor image Planning and regulation proceedures – duplication of effort Public perception and local social acceptance – linked to accountability of both governace agencies and producers Sharing the marine environment with other users and sectors January 2016 – 25 stakeholders. Government, industry, academic.

5 Tools used in the case study
Sea lice connectivity modelling Biophysical model (WRF meteorology, FVCOM hydrodynamics, sea lice particle tracking, network analysis). Scottish west coast aquaculture sites and management areas. Connectivity between sites and areas (subsets of sites).Effectiveness of areas to limit sea lice spread. Groups of connected areas. Optimal area boundaries. (COMPLETE). New site upstream/downstream links & management area allocation. To be developed assess full coastal area (optimal location of new developments). (IN PROGRESS). 5 different tools/ approaches; Sea live connectivity modelling (SAMS) Public comment analysis and interviews (SAMS) CBA (MSS) Visual Preference Study (JHI)

6 Tools used in the case study
Public comment analysis and interviews 1325 public comments on 5 applications ( ). Objection/ support Location of commenter Content of comment Sources of information cited in comments (complete) 14 interviews Thematic analysis Theoretical framework of social license to operate Policy analysis (in progress) Addressing public perceptions and accountability Social licence framework How policy meets application at a local level

7 Tools used in the case study
SAMS and UCC have been working on a GIS layer Visibility of the coastal sea from buildings using a high resolution terrain map.  Scotland - wide Addressing public perceptions and accountability Social licence framework How policy meets application at a local level

8 Tools used in the case study
GIS multi-criteria evaluation tool The Crown Estate’s Marine Resource System (MaRS) GIS based multi-criteria evaluation tool has been applied to all of Scottish coastal and offshore waters. 80 data layers describing the technical, environmental, socio-cultural and industrial opportunities and constraints to finfish and shellfish development have been analysed according to weights and scores specific to anticipated level of interaction with each aquaculture type.

9 Aquaspace tool The Aquaspace tool being developed under WP3 is being applied to the Argyll Scottish Marine Region (SMR) – a marine planning area

10 Tools used in the case study
Visual preference surveys (in design and planning stage)

11 Relevance to Aquaspace
Issues relating to magement of space on three levels (and relate to EAA): Ecological and environmental Social Governance Tools are being used to increase information which can help inform decisions on location suitability and management at both a national and local scales Relevant to the EU Framework for Maritime Spatial Planning and the Blue Growth Agenda Issues relating to magement of space on three levels: Ecological and environmental carrying capacity Social carrying capacity Governance Suitability of locations

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