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Regional Protection Strategic Framework Jan 2017-Dec 2018

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1 Regional Protection Strategic Framework Jan 2017-Dec 2018

2 Strategic Framework - Objective
Set forth a regional protection strategic framework to guide the humanitarian response on key protection issues relating to refugees, IDPs and other affected persons. Provide a comprehensive overview of key protection concerns and risks, with a focus on cross-border and shared protection issues, and elaborates main objectives, priorities and response strategy for each. Support Governments in the implementation of the Abuja Action Statement .

3 The Abuja Action Statement of 8 June 2016
Commitments by the Governments of Nigeria, Cameroon, Chad and Niger Concrete actions to enhance the protection environment of the affected populations A platform for engagement with Governments, humanitarian and other actors A tool to strengthen and guide interagency coordination and response on protection issues at national and situational levels A tool to enhance advocacy and visibility of protection issues in the LCB

4 Abuja Action Statement – key thematic areas
Forced displacement and freedom of movement in conflict Civil-military coordination and the civilian character of refugee and IDP hosting areas Persons with specific protection risks Comprehensive solutions approach Nationality and documentation

5 Strategic Framework – Development Process
Published by the Regional Protection Working Group in Dakar Consultative process Extensive consultation with national protection sectors and UNHCR country operations In coordination with key agencies and civil society organisations at regional and national levels Synergy with other key documents: national protection strategies/response, Abuja Action Statement, RRRP and HRPs

6 Overarching Strategic Objectives
All refugees, IDPs and returning nationals have enhanced access to protection. Civil-military coordination is strengthened to maintain the civilian character of refugee and IDP hosting areas. Persons with specific protection risks are safe and receive appropriate preventive, responsive and restorative services. Refugees and IDPs are assisted through a comprehensive solutions approach. Refugees and other persons of concern receive documents and rights to nationality are upheld.

7 Key Protection Concerns
Forced displacement and access to asylum and protection Civilian character of refugee and IDP hosting areas and CIVMIL Coord Registration, documentation an addressing nationality issues in crises Upholding human rights in the context of security measures Alternatives to camps and relocation Persons with specific protection risks Child Protection SGBV Education Comprehensive durable solutions Assistance and protection to other affected populations

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