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Robyn – main room/absent room combo

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1 Robyn – main room/absent room combo
Teacher Notes: Pam Room 1 (main room) Paige Room 2 Robyn – main room/absent room combo

2 April 25th, 2017 Bell Ringer Announcements Are you ready?
Open your English OMS Check your Complete 3.02 (introduction) Get your copy of your LOTF book out/pdf Get out your reading logs/character chart Announcements Make sure that you are keeping up with the class There is no blended this week or next week Are you ready? Please give a green check when you have completed these tasks, et up your audio, and are ready to participate!

3 -This session will be recorded and distributed for learning purposes. 
-Learning purposes include: a lesson review for students who are absent, students who want to review for a test, etc…

4 What’s happening? #THISCOULDCHANGE

5 What about the module work on my plan?
ALL MODULE WORK IS HOMEWORK! Since we are reading the novel/discussing in class, you will be responsible for completing the assigned modules after you have read the chapters/completed your reading logs. You must PAY ATTENTION to the calendar provided. You will be responsible for all quizzes and the final test, but you will not be required to complete any discussions as we will be discussing in class. Additionally, some assignments may not be required, while others will be added. It is up to you to keep up with what is due.

6 Is that all? Not quite. You will have a running reading log for each chapter. Each log will have a one-sentence summary of the chapter, and you will also choose and answer ONE question (there will be three options for each chapter). The reading logs will be due in two parts Chapters 1-6 due May 8th (30 points) Chapters 7-12 due May 19th (30 points)

7 Which characters have we met in chapter one?
Character Chart Check Which characters have we met in chapter one?

8 What is the goal here?

9 Don’t forget the vocabulary… #downloadnow 3.01 (1) 1
You should be looking for this vocabulary throughout the modules and in the novel.

10 Keywords for 3.02

11 Class is going to work a little differently for this unit…
There will be three rooms (discussion day): 1 (main room). Discussion will take place on a microphone and in chat. 2. Discussion will take place on the microphones only. 3. If you need to catch up on reading (i.e. you were absent and/or you did not finish your homework), please join this room. YOU HAVE 10 MINUTES TO COMPLETE YOUR CHAPTER ONE SUMMARY SENTENCE/ANSWER ONE QUESTION ON YOUR READING LOG!

12 CHAPTERS 1-2 Finish/Discussion
LORD OF THE FLIES CHAPTERS 1-2 Finish/Discussion

13 Room One Describe what has happened before the novel takes place. Who is on the island? Be specific. Describe the island in detail. Trace Golding’s tone and use of language to create a mood/atmosphere for the reader

14 Describe what has happened before the novel takes place
Describe what has happened before the novel takes place. Who is on the island? Be specific.

15 Describe the island in detail.

16 Trace Golding’s tone and use of language to create a mood/atmosphere for the reader

17 Room One Don’t have the book? You can use this link (#saveit): Raise your hand if you want to read!

18 Room Two Describe what has happened before the novel takes place. Who is on the island? Be specific. Describe the island in detail. (This will be necessary for your group task tomorrow!) Trace Golding’s tone and use of language to create a mood/atmosphere for the reader

19 Describe what has happened before the novel takes place
Describe what has happened before the novel takes place. Who is on the island? Be specific.

20 Describe the island in detail.

21 Trace Golding’s tone and use of language to create a mood/atmosphere for the reader

22 Room Two Don’t have the book? You can use this link (#saveit): Here is the link for the audio: Chapter Two: Chapter One: Chapter Two:

23 Room Three #absentorbehind
Don’t have the book? You can use this link: Here is the link for the audio: Chapter One: When you are done with chapter one, please move to the read on your own room. Chapter One: Chapter Two:

24 Homework Tuesday Wednesday Complete reading logs 1-2
Finish module 3.01 Begin module 3.02 Read Chapters 3-4 Finish module 3.02

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