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Gweithdy ar Sgiliau Astudio

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1 Gweithdy ar Sgiliau Astudio
Reflective Writing Study Skills Workshop Ysgrifennu Myfyriol Gweithdy ar Sgiliau Astudio

2 Ysgrifennu Myfyriol Reflective Writing
Reflective writing is the process of giving yourself some time and space to think about and note down what, why and how you are learning in the classroom or the work place. You can reflect on your feelings about your course, assignments and work placements. You may also want to reflect on things you find difficult or challenging, things you are confident about, and changes in your level of motivation. Ysgrifennu myfyriol yw’r broses o roi amser i chi eich hun feddwl a nodi beth, pam a sut rydych yn dysgu yn y dosbarth neu’r gweithle. Gallwch fyfyrio ar eich teimladau am eich cwrs, eich aseiniadau a’ch profiad gwaith. Efallai y byddwch hefyd am fyfyrio ar y pethau rydych yn eu cael yn anodd neu’n heriol, y pethau rydych yn hyderus amdanynt a newidiadau yn lefel eich ysgogiad.

3 The Benefits of Reflection
Manteision Myfyrio The Benefits of Reflection Reflection helps you to understand the structure of your course and to organise and order your thoughts. It can also help you to make links between classroom theory and work experience. Mae myfyrio yn eich helpu i ddeall strwythur eich cwrs ac i drefnu eich meddyliau. Gall hefyd eich helpu i wneud cysylltiadau rhwng gwaith theori yn y dosbarth a phrofiad gwaith.

4 The Benefits of Reflection
Manteision Myfyrio The Benefits of Reflection Reflection encourages you to express your own thoughts, views and feelings. It helps you to identify what you understand and what you don’t. It can also help you to get better grades!! Mae myfyrio yn eich annog i fynegi eich meddyliau, eich safbwyntiau a’ch teimladau eich hun. Mae’n eich helpu i adnabod beth rydych yn ei ddeall a beth nad ydych yn ei ddeall. Gall hefyd eich helpu i gael graddau gwell!!

5 Y Dyddiadur Myfyriol The Reflective Journal
A reflective journal may also be called a diary, workbook, progress file or log. Entries should: Be focused and brief. Not be too descriptive or focus will be lost Always highlight links between theory and practice Be important and significant to you Be made as your thoughts and ideas arise Contain any action points you have made to assist your studies Gall dyddiadur myfyriol hefyd fod yn lyfr gwaith, ffeil gynnydd neu log. Dylai’r hyn sy’n cael ei ysgrifennu: Fod yn fyr ac i’r pwynt Dim bod yn rhy ddisgrifiadol neu fe fydd ffocws yn cael ei golli Tynnu sylw bob amser at y cyswllt rhwng theori ac ymarfer Bod yn bwysig ac arwyddocaol i chi Nodi meddyliau a syniadau wrth iddynt ddod i chi Cynnwys unrhyw gamau gweithredu rydych wedi eu gwneud i helpu eich astudiaethau

6 Dechrau Arni Getting started Try answering the following questions:
What happened? (Description) What did you think and feel? (Feelings) Was it good or bad? (Evaluation) What did you understand/learn. Do you need to find out more? (Analysis) What else could you have done? Highlight things of benefit and things you would discard (Conclusion) If it happened again, would you change either your practical or personal approach? (Evaluation) (Based on Reid (1994) in Moon (1999) Rhowch gynnig ar ateb y cwestiynau canlynol: Beth ddigwyddodd? (Disgrifiad) Beth rydych yn ei feddwl a’i deimlo? (Teimladau) Oedd hyn yn dda neu ddrwg? (Gwerthuso) Beth wnaethoch chi ei ddeall/dysgu? Oes angen i chi wybod rhagor? (Dadansoddiad) Beth arall allech chi fod wedi ei wneud? Tanlinellu pethau oedd o fudd a pethau nad oeddech yn teimlo bod eu hangen. (Casgliad) Pe bai’n digwydd eto, fyddech chi’n newid eich ymateb ymarferol neu bersonol? (Gwerthuso)

7 Gwneud i’ch meddyliau gyfrif Make your thoughts count
Reflective writing will help you to put theories into your own words and relate them to your own experiences or ideas. Later when writing assignments, essays, or module evaluations etc. you can refer to your journal/notes and this will also help you to avoid plagiarism (presenting someone else’s words as your own). Bydd ysgrifennu myfyriol yn eich helpu i fynegi theorïau yn eich geiriau eich hun a’u gwneud yn berthnasol i’ch profiadau neu’ch syniadau eich hun. Yna, wrth ysgrifennu aseiniadau, traethodau neu werthusiadau modiwl gallwch gyfeirio at eich dyddiadur; bydd hyn hefyd yn eich helpu i osgoi llên-ladrad (cyflwyno geiriau rhywun arall fel eich gwaith eich hun).

8 Y Cam Nesaf The Next Step
If you want to learn more, contact your Learning Centre to arrange further study skills support. Os hoffech ddysgu rhagor cysylltwch â’ch Canolfan Ddysgu i drefnu cefnogaeth bellach ar sgiliau astudio.

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