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SSA Review 4 – Earth’s History

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Presentation on theme: "SSA Review 4 – Earth’s History"— Presentation transcript:

1 SSA Review 4 – Earth’s History

2 Fossils How do scientists know what changes occurred long ago inside and on the Earth's surface?

3 Fossils Fossil – the preserved remains or traces of living things

4 Fossils *most fossils form when living things die and are buried by sediment. *the sediment slowly hardens into rock and preserves the shape of the organism.

5 Fossils *What fossils show us (the fossil record):
1 – shows evidence about past life and environments on Earth

6 Fossils *What fossils show us (the fossil record):
2- shows how different groups of organisms have changed over time

7 Human Impact on Earth’s Landforms
*Agriculture *Mining *Deforestation *Desertification *Urbanization

8 Agriculture * farming * raising livestock (animals)

9 Mining - The removal of non-renewable resources from the land *rocks, minerals, metals

10 3. Development/Urbanization
*towns and cities *buildings, houses, roads, etc.

11 Desertification – Fertile land becoming barren
Caused by: *Drought *Overgrazing by livestock *Cutting down trees for lumber

12 Advantages ? Disadvantages ?
Deforestation – Cutting down forests for wood products or to make way for developments Advantages ? Disadvantages ?

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