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The New England Colonies

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1 The New England Colonies
In 1534, King Henry VIII of England not only broke away from the Roman Catholic Church, he also started his own church, called the Anglican Church. If you and your family had been Roman Catholics for several generations, what reaction would you’ve had when you were told you had to become an Anglican? What two groups of people opposed King Henry's church?

2 The New England Colonies
Which group did the Pilgrims belong to? Why were these people called Separatists? What was the main reason that the Separatists known as Pilgrims went to America?

3 The Mayflower What words would you use to describe the Pilgrims' voyage? Why do you think the Pilgrims were willing to endure such hardship? Explain if you would have gone with the Pilgrims on their voyage? Discuss the reasons and ways that people come to America today and explain the hardships that they endure for freedom.

4 The Mayflower Compact What did the Mayflower Compact establish?
Why did they need to create a government? What's the purpose of government? Explain if people can get along without it. 

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