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Working with Server-side Scripts

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Presentation on theme: "Working with Server-side Scripts"— Presentation transcript:

1 Working with Server-side Scripts
Tucker Stone, Web Developer

2 Server-side Scripts Why would we want to include server-side scripts in the first place? Including files. Outputting dynamic content. Processing data prior to render.

3 Key Concepts Executing Server-side Scripts with XSL PHP
C# C# requires Page Directive declaration:

4 Key Concepts - PHP PHP What’s happening here?
Wrapped in processing instruction “php” Including our PHP file with “require” Calling function “display_listing” passing the “limit” parameter

5 Scripting Challenges Goal
Begin with a brief introduction showing us how to execute scripts in XSL. Create a script to list items from an RSS feed. Add page parameters to manage the output from our script.

6 Let’s Get Started Time to jump in and get our hands on the code.

7 Thank you.

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