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The Good, The Bad, The Evil……

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1 The Good, The Bad, The Evil……
Andrew Jackson The Good, The Bad, The Evil……

2 Running for President! John Quincy Adams v Andrew Jackson Neither wins with a majority House of Reps will vote to pick a winner. Henry Clay (speaker of House) and John Q. Adams make a deal Clay promises to get the house to vote for Adams…if Adams makes him the Secretary of State. This was a CORRUPT BARGAIN! Election of 1824

3 Election of 1828 It’s on! New election strategies: Mudslinging–
John Q Adams (running for 2nd term) vs. Andrew Jackson It’s on! New election strategies: Mudslinging– ruining opponent's reputation with insults Slogans, buttons, and rallies too! JACKSON WINS…by a landslide! Election of 1828

4 Old Hickory was Jackson’s nickname:
Called this by troops b/c he was strong as a hickory stick Rise from Log cabin to the White house = AMERICAN SUCCESS STORY “Old Hickory”

5 Expanded Voting Rights
Jackson encourages voting rights to poor white men – sharecroppers and factory workers! Expanded Voting Rights

6 Practice of replacing government employees with the winner’s supporters
The Spoils System

7 The Tariff Debate Tariff = tax on imported products
North – wanted tariffs South – opposed tariffs South Carolina wanted to NULLIFY (cancel) the tariff. They passed Nullification Act – refused tariffs South Carolina threatened to SECEDE – break away from U.S.!!!!! Jackson slowly lowers tariff The Tariff Debate

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