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Mennonite Church Canada Fiscal Year Ending (FYE) 2008

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1 Mennonite Church Canada Fiscal Year Ending (FYE) 2008
Friday, November 30, 2018 Mennonite Church Canada Budget Plan: Fiscal Year Ending (FYE) 2008 Introduction: You will find the budget for FYE ’07 on pages 59, 61 and 62 of your report book. We have again shown you two different reporting formats of the budget. The version on page 62 shows gross revenue and gross expenses for FYE ’07 with two comparative columns, Budget for FYE ’07 and proposed budget for FYE ’08. The version on page 61 has the recognized deferred contributions and self generated revenue credited to the corresponding expenditure line, thus reporting net program expenditures. The column left of the grey vertical bar shows the gross budget for ’08 for easy comparison of the two formats. The budget on page 59 is the more summarized version of the other two. When commenting on the Revenue Budget, we will be referring gross to numbers (page 62), when commenting on expenses we will be referring to net expenditures (page 61). Preparing the annual budget is a major project; one that requires much detailed attention from Finance, Executive Staff, Councils, Financial Policy and Audit Committee and the General Board. The end result is a very helpful planning tool; when the budget is complete, the program plans for the year are pretty much made. What remains then is the execution. The 2007 budget includes a Consumer Price Index adjustment for salaries of 2.4%. Looking Ahead:

2 Gross Revenue Comparison
FYE Jan-08 GROSS Annual Budget FYE Jan 07 GROSS Actual FYE Jan 07 GROSS Budget Individual & Corporate Donations 807,300 785,225 830,290 Church Donations 2,803,500 2,849,499 2,843,000 General Bequest 45,000 Sub-total Donation Income 3,610,800 3,679,724 3,673,290 Recognized Deferred Contributions 60,284 49,488 47,271 Other Income 632,115 849,364 838,219 Sub-total Program Income 4,303,199 4,578,576 4,558,780 Partner Program Income 695,575 770,615 373,778 Related Organization Income 297,000 414,459 85,000 TOTAL INCOME 5,295,774 5,763,650 5,017,558 Friday, November 30, 2018 Revenue Comparison: First let us express again our gratitude to you, and the congregations you represent, for your generosity to the ministry and work we are able to do together. Church giving has matched the projections we presented in Edmonton 2006. Each year, the budget line which generates the most extensive discussion is the Donation Revenue line. You will notice that our budget for ’08 is lower than the budget for ’07. This is due to the downward trend in donation revenue. As I mentioned, Church donations were right on target, but Individual & Corporate donations were short of projections. We are often blessed with significant support from a relatively low number of contributors. We cannot, however, expect the same level of generosity from each individual each year as their economic performance fluctuates. You will notice that we have budgeted higher support in this segment, compared to FYE 07 actuals. As a result of direct feedback, Church donation projections have been shifted downwards. Fortunately though, last year’s generosity caused us to look at the future with much more optimism. Our improving balance sheet has allowed us to continue what was started in FYE 07 and adjustments will be made in FYE09. Our cautious approach last year allowed us to end the year in a strong position. We would like to move ahead and expand more aggressively, yet prudent fiscal management requires us to remain cautious. So let me say it again. Thank you for your generous support. We promise to continue to respond with program adjustments at home and abroad, based on the generosity of your support. There is much more that needs to be done and together we will create a world of healing and hope. We will now move into a more detailed review of the budget. Since partner program and related organization are evolving into a permanent and important piece of our program, greater effort has gone into budgeting for these projects. Other budgeted income of $632,115 is anticipated as follows: Looking Ahead:

3 Friday, November 30, 2018 Looking Ahead: 2007-08 Other budgeted income
$222,404 from a variety of fees, sales, administration fees, subscriptions, etc. $334,089 from partner subsidies mostly from MMN. $75,622 from interest income. Looking Ahead:

4 TOTAL Expenses 4,577,044 4,293,134 4,071,552 MC Canada 1,852,168
Friday, November 30, 2018 Net Expenses Comparison MC Canada FYE Jan-08 NET Annual Budget FYE Jan 07 NET Actual FYE Jan 07 NET Budget Witness Council 1,852,168 1,693,197 1,875,625 Formation Council 376,279 346,359 383,779 Support Services Council 713,043 725,546 716,658 General Board 395,374 396,026 421,585 CMU 335,580 325,603 Partner Program 607,600 391,944 253,325 Related Organization 297,000 414,459 85,000 TOTAL Expenses 4,577,044 4,293,134 4,071,552 Net expenditure budgets were basically developed on a status quo basis As FYE 07 drew to a close, minor adjustments were made to reflect actuals and the refined revenue expectation for FYE 08. Looking Ahead:

5 TOTAL Witness Council Expense 1,852,168 1,693,197 1,875,625
Friday, November 30, 2018 Net Expenses Comparison Christian Witness FYE Jan-08 NET Annual Budget FYE Jan 07 NET Actual FYE Jan 07 NET Budget Executive Office 114,057 82,110 90,636 Congregational Partnerships 182,066 141,896 188,253 National Ministries Admin 8,339 9,311 8,677 Multi-Cultural Ministry 38,356 38,442 39,558 Native Ministries 104,441 89,692 89,748 International Ministries 1,404,909 1,331,746 1,458,753 TOTAL Witness Council Expense 1,852,168 1,693,197 1,875,625 Net expenses budgeted for Christian Witness Council are $1,852,000 compared to a budget of $1,876,000 last year, and actual expenditures last year of $1,693,000. The delayed hiring of a Staff member in Congregational Partnerships and the early completion of mission assignments in International Ministries along with the strong Canadian dollar all contributed to the under-expenditures. Looking Ahead:

6 TOTAL Witness Council Expense 1,852,168 1,693,197 1,875,625
Friday, November 30, 2018 Net Expenses Comparison Christian Witness FYE Jan-08 NET Annual Budget FYE Jan 07 NET Actual FYE Jan 07 NET Budget Executive Office 114,057 82,110 90,636 Congregational Partnerships 182,066 141,896 188,253 National Ministries Admin 8,339 9,311 8,677 Multi-Cultural Ministry 38,356 38,442 39,558 Native Ministries 104,441 89,692 89,748 International Ministries 1,404,909 1,331,746 1,458,753 TOTAL Witness Council Expense 1,852,168 1,693,197 1,875,625 - A significant portion of the Witness Budget is spent in International Ministries. Looking Ahead:

7 Friday, November 30, 2018 International Ministries Breakdown by Region FYE Jan-08 NET Annual Budget FYE Jan 07 NET Actual FYE Jan 07 NET Budget Africa 433,733 397,673 404,215 Asia & Middle East 608,241 599,901 667,426 Europe 241,684 219,233 241,443 Latin America 121,251 114,939 145,669 TOTAL 1,404,909 1,331,746 1,458,753 The Regional Breakdown is as shown on this slide. The current years budget includes: $433,733 for Africa $608,241 for Asia & Middle East $241,684 for Europe, and $121,251 for Latin America Looking Ahead:

8 376,279 346,359 383,779 TOTAL Formation Expenses 148,321 136,849
Friday, November 30, 2018 Net Expenses Comparison – Christian Formation FYE Jan-08 NET Annual Budget FYE Jan 07 NET Actual FYE Jan 07 NET Budget Executive Office 148,321 136,849 154,249 Resource Center 68,474 56,253 69,400 Min. & Cong. Leadership 82,718 73,480 84,100 Youth Ministry 27,393 27,629 27,500 Youth Assembly 4,756 Education & Nurture Ministries 49,373 47,392 48,530 TOTAL Formation Expenses 376,279 346,359 383,779 Net expenses budgeted for Christian Formation are $376,000 for the current year compared to a budget of $384,000 last year, and actual expenditures last year of $346,000. Der Bote, Mennonite Heritage Centre Archives and Gallery have been moved out of Christian Formation Council into Partner Programs. The MHC Archives will continue to receive support from general donations, through a grant from the Formation Executive Office expense line. Looking Ahead:

9 Friday, November 30, 2018 Net Expenses Comparison – Support Services FYE Jan-08 NET Annual Budget FYE Jan 07 NET Actual FYE Jan 07 NET Budget Administration 265,780 282,020 282,880 Annual Assembly (5,000) 10,677 Communications 157,307 146,384 151,585 Development 120,795 114,276 116,193 Canadian Mennonite 174,161 172,189 171,000 TOTAL Support Services Expenses 713,043 725,546 716,658 Net expenses budgeted for Support Services are $713,000 compared to a budget of $717,000 last year, and actual expenditures last year of $725,000. Administration costs have been reduced slightly due to the one time major repairs being completed last year. This decrease has been offset by an increase in Communications and Development projects. This net expenditure slide also highlights on the 2nd line, the Annual Assembly cost for Edmonton. Due to lower than expected registration numbers, the Edmonton Annual Assembly resulted in a deficit which was covered by contributions. Looking Ahead:

10 TOTAL General Board Expense 730,954 721,629 757,165
Friday, November 30, 2018 Net Expenses Comparison – General Board FYE Jan-08 NET Annual Budget FYE Jan 07 NET Actual FYE Jan 07 NET Budget General Board Administration 164,354 199,932 200,600 Finance 193,020 158,094 182,985 CMU Grants 335,580 325,603 Mennonite World Conference Grants 38,000 TOTAL General Board Expense 730,954 721,629 757,165 Net expenses budgeted for the General Board are $731,000 for the current year compared to a budget of $757,000 last year, and actual expenditures last year of $721,000. GB Administration costs last year were high due to an overlap of General Secretary salaries, along with the General Secretary’s cross country church visits. The budget is now back to where it was before. The Finance department budget is showing an increase due to rising audit fees and salary adjustments. Last years net actual was reduced compared to budget due to an $17,000 cost recovery that had not been budgeted, along with the early repayment of both CMU and MPN loans. Looking Ahead:

11 607,600 391,944 253,325 Total Partner Programs Expenses
Friday, November 30, 2018 Net Expenses Comparison – Partner Programs FYE Jan-08 NET Annual Budget FYE Jan 07 NET Actual FYE Jan 07 NET Budget Misc Projects 50,000 31,751 58,500 Christian Peacemaker Teams 200,000 173,705 Company of 1000 13,500 13,571 NAVMF 25,000 Philippine Partnership 80,000 52,539 26,500 MVSA 2,000 735 Kherson Partnership 5,000 5,251 Learning Tours 20,000 (29,610) Canadian Women in Mission 30,000 Der Bote 87,300 84,272 81,825 MHC Archives 51,000 41,273 46,500 MHC Gallery 43,900 18,457 40,000 Total Partner Programs Expenses 607,600 391,944 253,325 Partner Programs are revenue neutral. We have spent more time than in the past preparing this budget including projections for all current projects. It is a very dynamic part of the budget, that fluctuates from year to year without affecting our bottom line. Looking Ahead:

12 297,000 414,459 Total Related Organization Expenses 35,000 39,774
Friday, November 30, 2018 Net Expenses Comparison – Related Organization FYE Jan-08 NET Annual Budget FYE Jan 07 Actual FYE Jan 07 NET Budget Mennonite Mission Network 35,000 39,774 MC USA 21,000 40,172 AMBS 85,000 80,999 Canadian Mennonite University 2,109 Mennonite Publishing Network 25,000 32,640 Meseretes Kritos College 100,000 197,765 Eastern Mennonite Missions Mennonite World Conference 31,000 Total Related Organization Expenses 297,000 414,459 We have also revisited how we treat related organizations within our budget. Knowing that the support we provide to these organization is part of who we are and what we do, and knowing that often these organizations are one of the partners in a project, we have decided to include budget numbers for each organization that we anticipate to support. However, just like the Partner Programs, expenses are limited to the amount of support received. Looking Ahead:

13 Balance of Budget FYE Jan-08 NET Annual Budget FYE Jan 07 NET Actual FYE Jan 07 NET Budget Operating Surplus (Deficit) before extraordinary items (122,944) 193,169 (106,964) Other Items (9,096) Operating Surplus (Deficit) 184,073 (106,964 Transfer to Reserves (61,880) (270,574) (54,312) Transfer from Reserves 206,685 144,890 211,524 Transfer to Capital Reserves (21,861) (67,485) (50,248) Transfer from Reserves for extraordinary items 9,096 Net Transfers (to)/from Reserves 122,944 (184,073) 106,964 Ending Surplus/(Deficit) Friday, November 30, 2018 The remainder of the budget document lists the transfers to and from reserves planned by councils and the General Board. Please note that the transfers from reserves of $206,685 includes an amount of $69,000 from General Reserves required to net a balanced budgeted bottom line. Like I mentioned earlier, with the fiscal year end 2007 donations in house, we were forced to lower our revenue projections. The expenditures were basically left on a status quo level, with minor reduction in expenditures where possible. Our strengthening financial position, namely accumulated reserves allow us to draw on funds in the current budget, leaving more time to decide where and when permanent adjustments need to be made. Executive Staff has invested significant time and energy planning for future program adjustments that best align with the priorities of MC Canada. This process should be completed in time for next years budget. Looking Ahead:

14 3-Year Budget Revenue Projections Expenditures planned accordingly
Friday, November 30, 2018 3-Year Budget Revenue Projections Expenditures planned accordingly Our three year Budgeted projection will again be based on revenue projections. MC Canada’s financial policies do not permit deficit budgeting, so as revenue projections materialize, and as the future draws nearer, we will prepare annual expenditure plans that are realistic, manageable and controllable and which reflect the priorities directed by delegates and the General Board. Looking Ahead:

15 Statement of Operations
Friday, November 30, 2018 Statement of Operations Last year we reported that we had experienced an unexpected increase in revenue. We were, however, not yet quite comfortable in assuming a permanent shift. Our projections were cautious and for good reason. This year, we planned our FYE08 projections downward to what we believe is the bottom of the curve. From here forward we are projecting a small increase in revenue for FYE09 and FYE10. Our collective ministries would welcome a surprise by exceeding our projections. Looking Ahead:

16 3-Year Budget Confident Responsive Optimistic
Friday, November 30, 2018 3-Year Budget Confident Responsive Optimistic These last few years have been a confidence builder. We are confident in the work that we are doing. We are confident that our policies, procedures and controls are working well and appropriate to manage this wonderful organization. We are also confident that our projections, though somewhat conservative, are achievable and realistic. We remain cautious in the numbers we present wanting to err on the side of prudence but our faith in our constituency is strong. We are seeing results in the current year that lead us to believe that our church is growing in its support and desire to build ministries we do together. Our plans going forward are including this optimism. The desire for the church to be well resourced to carry on the work the church is called to do is growing. We are thankful. Looking Ahead:

17 Friday, November 30, 2018 Looking Ahead: 2007-08
- Just taking a quick look at our financial situation so far this year: - Total Donation Revenues are tracking approximately __$________ ahead of plan __$_______ ahead of last year. - Expenses are on plan. Looking Ahead:

18 Thank you. Friday, November 30, 2018 Looking Ahead: 2007-08
Thank-you very much to the congregations and individuals that helped make possible our collective ministry in the last year. Looking Ahead:

19 FPAC: Finance Staff: Randy Wiebe Lorna Friesen
Friday, November 30, 2018 FPAC: Finance Staff: Randy Wiebe Lorna Friesen Clare Schlegel Treasurer Members: Ingrid Peters-Fransen, Helen Kasdorf Laura Zacharias I am now prepared to entertain your questions. Dianne Schmidt Nyoman Klassen Looking Ahead:

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