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Aircraft Damage.

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1 Aircraft Damage

2 Russian Sukhoi Su-25 Frogfoot ground-attack planes

3 How many hits on each part?
Remember to count undamaged planes. They may have more than on bullet hole Damage sustained by 100 planes # hits Total Hits Hit ratio Engines Fuselage Fuel System (wings) Other Parts (tail) No damage Students examine the planes for bullet holes and note the number of holes in each section. The engine is the clear plastoc on the front. Wing models the fuel system and is self evident. Fuselage is the body for the plane (not including the tail fin.) Tail is the rudder and tail fin and models other parts

4 Abraham Wild. Worked for US Navy Air Force.
Work was classified until, quite recently

5 How many times does a plane get hit?
Only the last hit influences the surviorship of a plane.

6 What proportion of hits
Divide the number of hits for each part by the total number of hits. Damage sustained by 100 planes # hits Hit ratio Engines 10 Fuselage 20 Fuel System (wings) 8 Other Parts (tail) 16 No damage 52 Students now work out what proportion of the shots hits each section gf the plane by dividing the #hits in each part by the total number of hits (54)

7 Chance of surviving Divide the proportion of hits by the proportion of the area. Damage sustained by 100 planes # hits Hit ratio Area Chance Engines 10 0.185 0.318 Fuselage 20 0.370 0.384 Fuel System (wings) 8 O.148 0.164 Other Parts (tail) 16 0.296 0.302 No damage 52 49.1 Students recognize that aerial shots are effectively random, so the probability of a hit is governed by the size of the area. Dividing the proportion of hits by the index of the area gives the chance of a plane surviving a hit in this area.

8 Chance of surviving The bigger the number in the chance column, the more likely one is to survive a hit Damage sustained by 100 planes # hits Hit ratio Area Chance Engines 10 0.185 0.318  0.58 Fuselage 20 0.370 0.384 0.96 Fuel System (wings) 8 O.148 0.164  0.90 Other Parts (tail) 16 0.296 0.302  0.98 No damage 52

9 Chance of downing = 1 - chance survival
Chance of being downed Chance of downing = 1 - chance survival Engine: = 0.42 Fuselage: = 0.04 Fuel System: = 0.10 Other parts: = 0.02 Chance of downing = 1 – chance of survival. So MUCH greater chance of failing to come back from a shot to the engine.

10 Location of shot holes in planes which successfully returned
So the best place to apply armour is the engines Location of shot holes in planes which successfully returned

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