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L Differentiate Threshold Integrate R.

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Presentation on theme: "L Differentiate Threshold Integrate R."— Presentation transcript:

1 L Differentiate Threshold Integrate R

2 The lightness scaling problem:
Q. How should we assign an absolute lightness to a surface? A. Anchoring – brightest region in field of view is declared to be ‘white’ Demo

3 A major open challenge for lightness perception models:
Moving beyond a flat world; distinguishing between abrupt orientation changes and reflectance edges. Sinha, 1992; Sinha and Adelson, 1993

4 Processing Framework Proposed by Marr
Recognition 3D structure; motion characteristics; surface properties Shape From stereo Motion flow Shape From motion Color estimation Shape From contour Shape From shading Shape From texture Edge extraction Image

5 Shape from contour I’m sorry, Mr. Mitchell is only painted on the wall.

6 The perceptual task 3D shape recovery from a single 2D image



9 A constraint based system

10 An implemented constraint-based system
Attneave & Frost, 1969 Mackworth, 1973 Perkins & Cooper, 1980 Kanade, 1980 Barrow & Tenenbaum, 1981 Marill, 1989 Fischler & Leclerc, 1992 A 3D shape recovery system with 3 general constraints but no object-specific learning Experimentation Sinha and Adelson Occam’s razor and complexity

11 The system in action... 2D Inputs Recovered 3D shapes

12 The system in action... Video

13 Where the system works...

14 And where it runs into trouble...

15 “Here be dragons” Natural objects Arbitrary polyhedra
Semi-regular polyhedra Polyhedra with rectangular facets Circular discs

16 High-level learning based hypothesis

17 3D structure; motion characteristics; surface properties
Recognition 3D structure; motion characteristics; surface properties Shape From stereo Motion flow Shape From motion Color estimation Shape From contour Shape From shading Shape From texture Edge extraction Image

18 Experimental studies of object-specific
influences on early perception and a simple model… C:/BCS_core/vis_learning2.ppt

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