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Batter Up! During the Age of Discovery, Spanish, Portuguese, English, and French explorers made voyages across most of the known world. These men sought.

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2 Batter Up! During the Age of Discovery, Spanish, Portuguese, English, and French explorers made voyages across most of the known world. These men sought to find something of value which would both increase the wealth of their nations as well as their personal wealth. Kind of like a modern-day baseball player: they play for the benefit of their team and also make money for themselves at the same time. Task: Choose an explorer from the list projected. Complete research to collect the “stats” for your guy. Make a baseball card that presents those stats similarly to my Hank Aaron example on the reverse of this paper. Include: A representative picture or portrait of the man. A short biography of the man; include his country of birth and background. An inset map, showing his discovery (or discoveries). Where did his boat leave from, and where did his expedition go? A flag of the country for which he worked. A short description of what he hoped to find and a description of what he actually found. A character rating. On a scale of 1-5, rate the man regarding his effectiveness as a professional explorer. 1 would be an absolute failure at finding what he aimed to find…5 would place him on the Age of Exploration’s All-Star Team. Appearance: Layer on the creativity. “Aging” your card’s appearance would be a nice touch. Locate accurate information. Double check your information against at least two other sources. Spell all of your written information correctly. Accurately present your person’s voyage (voyages) on a map. Provide a caption for the map. Example: from Spain to Peru. Assessment: Summative (100) Ten points each for each of the 10 requirements listed above. Present your “card” as two-sided. The total area used may not exceed the size of a piece of 8.5x11 paper folded in half. Due: Friday, September 6, 2013.

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