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My organization and GIFT

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1 My organization and GIFT
Work from Observatorio del Gasto Fiscal has benefited of the network: Enfoque macroeconomico…. Velasco: me dijo que malentendia Ramiro/Pattillo si sabian pero no bajaban a nivel data Sectorialistas….como manejan data

2 We organized the first Rally “Datos en la Calle”, thanks to GIFT.
Government wouldn't have launched its first Open Fiscal Data Packet in 2017, without GIFT. NETWORKING: Our opinion will probably be considered by OECD in a recent study about the Chilean evaluation system. We organized the first Rally “Datos en la Calle”, thanks to GIFT. We are considering GIFT Principles in our fiscal transparency recommendations, we than try to precise according to Chilean reality. Enfoque macroeconomico…. Velasco: me dijo que malentendia Ramiro/Pattillo si sabian pero no bajaban a nivel data Sectorialistas….como manejan data

3 Reaching out to the public with technology
Enfoque macroeconomico…. Velasco: me dijo que malentendia Ramiro/Pattillo si sabian pero no bajaban a nivel data Sectorialistas….como manejan data

4 “Data based activism” Main way to communicate is digital– combined with offline activities. Thanks to technologies, we can attend different types of citizens, with different types of instruments (apps, visualizations, social media, infographics, etc.). Two surveys, based on AI, to understand citizens needs regarding fiscal data. Potential: detecting any media were anyone shares anything about fiscal data.

5 Motivating citizens on budgets
Enfoque macroeconomico…. Velasco: me dijo que malentendia Ramiro/Pattillo si sabian pero no bajaban a nivel data Sectorialistas….como manejan data

6 Focus Groups and interviews for our work; have to deepen UX.
Focus Groups before starting a longer project. unique users per month in platform. Strategy to deepen relationships with “client segments” / targeting. Searching “drivers” (FSCM). Balanced Scorecard citizens + government. Surveys regarding citizens interest on fiscal information: 68% find partially what they need. Grade given for content, format, opportunity: 3,8 (max 7) Interest: $ x beneficiary, $ x territory, $ per result/objective/electoral promise What is priority: (i) ask users continually (ii) better content (iii) better format (iv) publish more periodically (BC). Preferred Formats: (i) summaries with sectorial focus (ii) personalized search in data bases (iii) short videos (iv) infographics. How to access: 42% want to get personalized information. Rally “Datos en la Calle”: 400 inscribed, allthough “just” 15 concluded officially. Multi-channel (we know we compete with a lot of other information) Challenge regarding Social Media: it is an own channel. Proyect with schools

7 Your organization´s gift to GIFT
Enfoque macroeconomico…. Velasco: me dijo que malentendia Ramiro/Pattillo si sabian pero no bajaban a nivel data Sectorialistas….como manejan data

8 New commitments: Contracting data +Beneficial Ownership. Measuring citizens need regarding fiscal data, trying to identify the gap. Promoting consideration of citizens needs regarding fiscal transparency How Observatorio Fiscal could be contributing to a stronger, more responsive, adaptive and cohesive network: Sharing experience (NGOs). Working with other NGOs on a regional/international survey Organizing regional working group regarding Beneficial Ownership Data. Trying to support the creation of more civil society Observatories in the region. What is needed to boost more fiscal transparency, from GIFT: More and better data who has/is doing what aspects that are pre-identified as important for all.

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