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Smart Cities - concept, solutions and international comparisons

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Presentation on theme: "Smart Cities - concept, solutions and international comparisons"— Presentation transcript:

1 Smart Cities - concept, solutions and international comparisons Smart Cities - concept, solutions and international comparisons Ewa Stawasz Justyna Wieloch

2 Introduction Let’s think about cities in the world…
Do we globally have more urban or rural population? What are the global trends? Do they differ depending on developed and developing countries? Why?

3 World tendencies In less than 55 years the share of urban population in the total global population increased from 34% (in 1960) to 54% (in 2014). According to the World Health Organization (WHO) global urban population is expected to grow (YOY) approximately by: 1,84% between 2015 and 2020; 1,63% between 2020 and 2025; 1,44% between 2025 and 2030; This trend is applicable for both, developed and developing countries. To make a long story short: people would give up the farm for good, and become mostly urban species.

4 Global and rural population comparison by the level of countries development in 2000 and 2014 (bn)

5 Place and role of cities in human’s life
Why cities are so attractive? What is the role of the city in people’s life? What are the functions of modern city? What expectations should it meet? Do you live in the city? Why? Thinking above it appears we need a city to be smart!

6 Smart city General working group of Chinese national smart cities standardization (SAC): smart city is a new concept and a new model, which applies the new generation of information technologies, such as the internet of things, cloud computing, big data and space/geographical information integration, to facilitate the planning, construction, management and smart services of cities. It accentuates that developing smart cities can benefit synchronized development, industrialization, informationization, urbanization and agricultural modernization and sustainability of cities development (ISO 2015). It is aimed at the public services convenience, clever city management, comfortable standards of living, adequate infrastructure responding to inhabitants needs and network security efficiency.

7 Smart city The British Standards Institution:
effective integration of physical, digital and human systems in the built environment to deliver a sustainable, prosperous and inclusive future for its citizens. ITU-T Focus Group analyzed over a hundred definitions off the smart city and on that basis created their own one: smart sustainable city is an innovative city that uses information and communication technologies (ICTs) and other means to improve quality of life, efficiency of urban operation and services, and competitiveness, while ensuring that it meets the needs of present and future generations with respect to economic, social and environmental aspects.

8 Smart city ISO TMB Smart Cities Strategic Advisory Group:
smart city is one that (…) dramatically increases the pace at which it improves its social economic and environmental (sustainability) outcomes, responding to challenges such as climate change, rapid population growth, and political and economic instability (…)by fundamentally improving how it engages society, how it applies collaborative leadership methods, how it works across disciplines and city systems, and how it uses data information and modern technologies (…) in order to provide better services and quality of life to those in and involved with the city (residents, businesses, visitors), now and for the foreseeable future, without unfair disadvantage of others or degradation of the natural environment.

9 Smart cities – take a closer look and acquaint with rankings

10 Smart city – let’s have a look
General information:

11 In which areas a city can be smart
In which areas a city can be smart? European Smart City Model – TUWIEN: components 11 Source: Smart cities. Ranking of European medium-sized cities.

12 Source: Smart cities. Ranking of European medium-sized cities.

13 Source: Smart cities. Ranking of European medium-sized cities.

14 Source: Smart cities. Ranking of European medium-sized cities.

15 Smart environment Attractivity of natural conditions Pollution
Sunshine hours Green space share Pollution Summer smog (Ozon) Particulate matter Fatal chronic lower respiratory diseases per inhabitant Environmental protection Individual efforts on protecting nature Opinion on nature protection Sustainable resource management Efficient use of electricity (use per GDP)

16 Smart living Cultural facilities Health conditions Individual safety
Cinema attendance per inhabitant Museums visits per inhabitant Theatre attendance per inhabitant Health conditions Life expectancy Hospital beds per inhabitant Doctors per inhabitant Satisfaction with the quality of health system Individual safety Crime rate Death rate by assault Satisfaction with personal safety

17 Smart living Housing quality Education facilities
Share of housing fulfilling minimal standards Average living area per inhabitant Satisfaction with personal housing situation Education facilities Students per inhabitant Satisfaction with access to educational system Satisfaction with quality of educational system Touristic attractivity Importance as tourist location (overnights, sights) Overnights per year per resident Social cohesion Perception on personal risk of poverty Poverty rate

18 Smart city – see how convenient in can be!


20 180 key world cities considered
Source: IESE Cities in Motion Index 2017.

21 City ranking – top 10 New York-USA London-UK Paris-France Boston-USA
San Francisco-USA Washington, D.C.-USA Seoul-South Korea Tokyo-Japan Berlin-Germany Amsterdam-Netherlands


23 Top 10 by dimension Source: IESE Cities in Motion Index 2017.

24 Top 10 by dimension Source: IESE Cities in Motion Index 2017.

25 Regional rankings: Western Europe
Source: IESE Cities in Motion Index 2017.

26 Regional rankings: Eastern Europe
Source: IESE Cities in Motion Index 2017.

27 Regional rankings: Latin America
Source: IESE Cities in Motion Index 2017.

28 Regional rankings: Asia-Pacific
Source: IESE Cities in Motion Index 2017.

29 Comparison With Other Indexes
Source: IESE Cities in Motion Index 2017.

30 Smart cities – some examples
Beijing: Warsaw: Fujisawa: San Jose, CA: San Diego: Masdar

31 Ranking – top 20 Source:

32 Smart cities – some statistics

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