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1. In April, 1945, why did delegates from 50 nations meet in San Francisco? To form the United Nations.

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Presentation on theme: "1. In April, 1945, why did delegates from 50 nations meet in San Francisco? To form the United Nations."— Presentation transcript:

1 1. In April, 1945, why did delegates from 50 nations meet in San Francisco?
To form the United Nations


3 2. In Europe and Japan, what two nations brought about the final victory and would become the world’s superpowers? U.S. and Soviet Union

4 3. In addition to spreading communism in Eastern Europe, what was Stalin’s other primary goal?
Keep Germany weak and create buffer

5 4. By 1948, what had Stalin installed throughout Eastern Europe?
Pro-Soviet communist governments

6 5. As early as 1946, how did Churchill (of Great Britain) describe Soviet control of Eastern Europe?
Iron curtain dividing the continent

7 6. Because of the belief that Stalin would attempt to spread communism everywhere, what role did the U.S. take after WWII? Stop Soviet expansion = Cold war

8 7. What was the Cold War between the U. S. and U. S. S
7. What was the Cold War between the U.S. and U.S.S.R that lasted until 1989? Indirect battles to control world governments

9 8. What was the Containment policy advocated by the U.S.?
Do not let communism expand anywhere

10 9. What was the Truman Doctrine?
U.S. would assist any government fighting communism

11 10. Why did Truman issue the Truman Doctrine?
Prevent communism in Greece and Turkey

12 11. Why did the U.S. offer billions of dollars of aid to Western Europe to feed its people and rebuild its infrastructure? To prevent the spread of communism

13 12. What was the name given to this program of massive government assistance to rebuild Europe?
Marshall Plan

14 13. What was the long term result of the Marshall Plan?
Economic ties between U.S. and W. Europe

15 14. Following WWII, how was Germany divided?
Into 4 zones of occupation

16 15. What did Britain, France, and the U.S. then decide to unite?
Their zones = Western Germany

17 16. In East Germany, what did the Soviets install that was tied to Moscow?
Pro-Soviet government

18 17. What zone did Berlin, the former capital of Germany, lie in?
The Soviet zone

19 18. How was the former German capital, Berlin, divided between Allies?
Like Germany into 4 zones

20 19. In an effort to force West Berlin to merge with East Berlin, what did the Soviets prevent entering West Berlin? All railroad and highway deliveries

21 20. How did the west counter the Soviet attempt to force West Berlin to submit to Soviet rule?
The Berlin Airlift

22 21. What was the Berlin Airlift?
Food and supplies flown into Berlin by west


24 22. After a year of blockading West Berlin without success of merging it to East Berlin, what action did Russia take? Soviets gave up. West Berlin free

25 23. In 1949, what military alliance did the U. S
23. In 1949, what military alliance did the U.S., Canada, and 9 Western European countries form to use collective security to contain communism? North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

26 24. In response, what organization was formed by the Soviets as a counterbalance to NATO?
Warsaw Pact

27 25. What military alliance did the U. S
25. What military alliance did the U.S. form with Asian nations to prevent communist aggression? SEATO

28 26. In 1949, what did the Soviets successfully test that increased Cold War tensions between the U.S. and U.S.S.R? Nuclear bomb

29 27. To one up on the Soviets, what had the U. S
27. To one up on the Soviets, what had the U.S. successfully tested by November, 1952? Hydrogen Bomb

30 28. In the Chinese Civil War that began in the 1920s, who led the Nationalist (capitalist) side and who led the communists? Chang Kai-shek / Mao Zedong

31 29. In 1950, what news about China came as a shock to many Americans?
China was now a communist country

32 30. Who did many in the US blame for the loss of China to the communists and the Soviet’s acquiring nuclear weapons? U.S. Gov. employees who were communists

33 31. Throughout the Great Depression, what party had tens of thousands of Americans joined?
Communist party

34 32. During the presidencies of Truman and Eisenhower, what did the growth of world communism raise fears about? Communists would conquer America

35 33. What program, set up in 1938, was used after WWII to screen government employees for communist ties? HUAC

36 34. Why did HUAC investigate the movie industry for communist connections?
9 of the Hollywood 10 Movies = Influence millions of viewers

37 35. In 1947, what did HUAC charge numerous Hollywood figures that affected their filmmaking careers?
Larry Parks Burgess Meredith Lena Horne Being communists

38 36. What did the studios compile that prevented over 300 actors, directors, and writers from being hired after they were labeled communist sympathizers? Morris Carnovsky Marc Lawrence Betsy Blair Morris Carnovsky A blacklist

39 37. Who was the former high ranking state department official accused of spying for the Soviets?
Alger Hiss

40 38. What was Julius and Ethel Rosenberg accused of passing to the Soviets during WWII?
Passing atomic secrets to Soviets

41 39. What issue did Joseph McCarthy use to advance his career but fueled American fears of a Soviet takeover of the U.S.? Communists within our government

42 40. What did merely being accused by McCarthy of being a communist of spy cause for people?
Lose jobs and reputation

43 41. What did some senators worry that opposing McCarthy would brand them?
As being communists / disloyal Americans

44 42. During the televised Army – McCarthy hearings in April 1954, what brought down the Senator?
Americans realized his charges were baseless

45 43. What did falsely accusing people of being communists, or communists spies, come to be called?

46 44. In August 1953, less than a year after the U. S
44. In August 1953, less than a year after the U.S. exploded its thermonuclear device, what had the Soviet’s tested? A hydrogen bomb

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