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Welcome to Nelson’s 4th Grade Class! August 10,2017

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Nelson’s 4th Grade Class! August 10,2017"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Nelson’s 4th Grade Class! August 10,2017

2 Welcome to our class! Fourth grade is a time where students become more independent by the end of the year. Students are taught how to be responsible by meeting deadlines for projects, class work, and homework. They are also taught how to be a friend and be compassionate and look out for one another.

3 Classroom Expectations
Listen and be a good audience member when someone is talking, sharing, or teaching. Follow directions the first time. Work quietly and complete all work. Be kind to everyone through your words and actions. Use appropriate behavior to represent yourself, our class, and our school…Go Braves!!

4 Our Daily Schedule 7:15-8:00 Breakfast/Morning announcements
8:00-8:10 PBIS lesson 8:15-8:55 Reading 9:00-9:45 Specials 10:05-11:00 ELA 11:00-11: RECESS 11:30-11:50 Math Enrichment 11:58-12:28 Lunch 12:40-1:30 Math 1:30-2:00 Science/Social Studies 2:00-2:15 Pack-up/dismissal

5 How can you get in touch with me?
1) Or 2) Send a note

6 Stay Informed If you have not done so yet, please text the to to receive text messages from Mrs. Nelson. You will not be able to respond to these texts, but you will be informed.

7 TESTING DATES August 1-August 31 Reading Inventory/Math Inventory Window 1 Georgia Milestones End of Grade Assessment EOG 3-5 Georgia Milestones: April 11-20

8 Blog info

9 What we are going to study this year in Math!
Place Value

10 and Social Studies!

11 What we are going to study this year in

12 When is conference week this year?
Conference week for the school year is scheduled for Monday October 16, 2017 – Friday October 20, These conferences are mandated by Cobb County and important you attend. Students will have Early-Release all week at 12:20. Remember to let me know if transportation will change on these days for your child.

13 Grading Scale A B C D 65 and below F

14 Will there be homework every night?
Students will receive homework Monday – Thursday. In addition, students will record any additional information and reading homework in Agenda each day. Please initial that your child has read (20-30 minutes or more) each night in their agenda for each day. **It is the student’s responsibility to show you the agenda every day, but since you know it’s coming home every night remind him/her to show it to you until you think he/she can remember to show it to you without you asking.

(Table 16)(B side) *During inclement weather we will have indoor recess.

If there are transportation changes for your child, YOU will need to call the office at: (678) or send a note (if you know ahead of time) to school. We will not take your child’s word that he/she is to go home a certain way other than they usually do. Please do not us the transportation change as we may not get to check before the day is over. Thank you for taking this matter seriously and acting accordingly.

17 Medication at school… It is Cobb County policy as well as Nickajack’s policy that NO student at ANY time have medication/prescription medication on them at ANY time. This means also not in his/her book bag. If you have a special circumstance you MUST see our school nurse. If the medication gets in the wrong hands, a very serious situation can occur. This includes and is not limited to: inhalers for asthma, cough drops, cough syrup, Tylenol/Advil, children’s vitamins, etc… Everyone’s body reacts to things differently, so please be vigilant. Thank you!



20 B3 Be A Better Brave Students learn appropriate behavior of a respectful, responsible, role-model through instruction, practice, feedback, and positive reinforcement.

21 Gifted Eligibility Meeting - Friday, August 11 at 9AM in the Learning Commons.
Purpose: to share with the public the eligibility process in Cobb County. All are welcome to attend.

22 WE are here for you! We are a team in your child’s education! WE will do everything WE can to help your child be successful in 4th grade! However, it is a job we must do together! We look forward to working with you this year! We have a fun, exciting, and memorable year planned! WELCOME TO FOURTH GRADE!

23 Thank you for your time and attention.

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