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L.O: SWBAT explain RADIATIVE BALANCE; how the amount of insolation an area receives, gives off affects its climate and explain DURATION OF INSOLATION (length.

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Presentation on theme: "L.O: SWBAT explain RADIATIVE BALANCE; how the amount of insolation an area receives, gives off affects its climate and explain DURATION OF INSOLATION (length."— Presentation transcript:

1 L.O: SWBAT explain RADIATIVE BALANCE; how the amount of insolation an area receives, gives off affects its climate and explain DURATION OF INSOLATION (length of day)

2 All locations ON EARTH receive ENERGY from the SUN, they absorb some and give off the rest.
Radiative balance: the amount of radiation (energy) an area receives versus the amount it gives off.

3 an area’s climate is partly due to the amount of insolation (energy) it gets versus the amount of energy it keeps

4 HOT PLACES receives more energy than they give off.
Why is this area hot?

5 COLD PLACES radiate more energy than THEY receive.
Why is this area cold?

6 Time of day & radiative balance.

7 Does an oven immediately get hot?

8 It takes time an area to heat up, after it starts receiving insolation (sunlight). Therefore even though solar noon is the greatest angle of insolation, 1 to 2pm is the hottest day

9 It takes time for an area to cool off.
Daily temperatures: It takes time for an area to cool off. this is why the lowest daily temperatures are just before sunrise.

10 *Yearly temperature: It takes time for an area to heat up. 2.The highest yearly temperatures are in July to august, even though June has the maximum insolation .

11 July (and august) have the most evaporation & transpiration (evapotranspiration) of water because it is hottest month.

12 It takes time for things to get cold
Ouch! Why is this STILL hot, I turned off the fire one minute ago!

13 *Yearly temperature: It takes time for an area to cool off. December gets the least insolation, but January to February is the coldest time of the year. The lowest yearly temperatures are in February, after the December 21 (winter solstice)

14 *Duration of insolation:
Duration of Insolation - length of time insolation is received each day.  As Duration of Insolation increases temperature increases.  Duration of Insolation changes with latitude and season.


16 the Sun follows the same path across the sky everyday.
The Sun rises in the east, moves across the southern sky & sets in the west.

17 *The longer the sun’s path, the longer the day is.

18 The day is longest on Jun 21(summer solstice) because the Sun’s path across the sky is longest.
December 21st (winter solstice) is the shortest day, because the Sun follows a short path across the sky. The Sun’s path on June 21 The Sun’s path on March 21 & Sept 22 The Sun’s path on December 21

19 The sun always moves 150 per hour.
The Sun’s apparent path across the sky varies because the Earth’s axis is tilted The sun always moves 150 per hour.

20 ON JUNE 21ST(the summer solstice), the Sun rises NORTH of east and sets NORTH of west

21 ON DECEMBER 21ST, the Sun rises SOUTH of East and sets SOUTH of West

22 the Sun only rises exactly east and sets exactly west on the Equinoxes: March 21 & September 23rd
Mar. 21 & sept. 22

23 An observer casts the longest shadow on Dec 21st and shortest shadow on June 21st because the angle of Sun’s apparent varies with the seasons

24 What day is path “A”? How do you know?
path“A” is December 21st because the Sun’s apparent path across the south sky is SHORTEST What day is path “A”? How do you know?

25 What day is path “C”? How do you know?
Path“C” is JUNE 21st because the Sun’s apparent path across the south sky is LONGEST

26 What two days could be path “B”? How do you know?
Path“B” is SEPT 23RD OR MARCH 21st because the Sun’s apparent path across the south sky is between high and low and the other two rays What two days could be path “B”? How do you know?

27 Which letter is December 21st? How do you know?
“A” is December 21st THE Sun has its shortest apparent path across the sky Which letter is December 21st? How do you know?

28 Which letter is JUNE 21st? How do you know?
D” is JUNE 21st the Sun has its longest apparent path across the sky

29 Which letter is SEPTEMBER 23RD OR MARCH 21st ? How do you know?
“B” is SEPTEMBER 23RD OR MARCH 21st because the Sun rises exactly EAST and sets exactly WEST. Which letter is SEPTEMBER 23RD OR MARCH 21st ? How do you know?

30 What two days could this be in New York State, how do you know
What two days could this be in New York State, how do you know? (hint: look at East & West) It could be Sept 23rd or March 21st because the Sun rises exactly East, sets exactly west.

31 What is the latitude of this New York State location
What is the latitude of this New York State location? (hint: look at Polaris)

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