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Kentucky County Treasurer’s Fundamentals Course
STATE /LOCAL FINANCE OFFICER REQUIREMENT Kentucky County Treasurer’s Fundamentals Course The Uniform System of Accounts for Kentucky Counties November 30, 2018 Slide 1 of 17
The Uniform System of Accounts
Kentucky County Treasurer’s Fundamentals Course The Uniform System of Accounts for Kentucky Counties The Uniform System of Accounts (U.S.A.) requires revenues to be recorded when received and expenditures to be recorded when paid (cash basis). The U.S.A. utilizes a minimum of six (6) digit numerical indicators for revenue accounts and a minimum of nine (9) numerical indicators for appropriation & expenditure accounts. All anticipated revenue and expenditure codes are included in the chart of accounts and are categorized The Uniform System of Accounts FUND MAJOR MINOR XXX Unique November 30, 2018 Slide 2 of 17
The Uniform System of Accounts
Kentucky County Treasurer’s Fundamentals Course The Uniform System of Accounts for Kentucky Counties Fund codes The Uniform System of Accounts the first two (2) digits of both the revenue and expenditure accounts. Fund codes 01, 02 and 03 identify the following as General, Road or Jail funds, for example. November 30, 2018 Slide 3 of 17
The Uniform System of Accounts
Kentucky County Treasurer’s Fundamentals Course The Uniform System of Accounts for Kentucky Counties Major object codes The Uniform System of Accounts The next four (4) digits of revenue and appropriation & expenditure codes. Revenue codes are always a 4000 number and identify specific sources of revenue and receipts. Major object appropriation & expenditure codes are between the numbers of 5000 and 9999 and represent broad categories of expenditures. For example, 5001 indicates the category of Judge/Executive. November 30, 2018 Slide 4 of 17
The Uniform System of Accounts
Kentucky County Treasurer’s Fundamentals Course The Uniform System of Accounts for Kentucky Counties Minor object codes The Uniform System of Accounts The last three (3) digits of the appropriation & expenditure accounts and represent specific types of expenditures. 101 would indicate an elected county official's salary. November 30, 2018 Slide 5 of 17
The Uniform System of Accounts
Kentucky County Treasurer’s Fundamentals Course The Uniform System of Accounts for Kentucky Counties XXX object codes The Uniform System of Accounts Some counties may wish to track certain revenues and expenditures in a more detailed manner than required by the state local finance officer. In this case, a county may choose to add an alphabetical or numerical entry, unique to that county, following the standard codes. November 30, 2018 Slide 6 of 17
The Uniform System of Accounts
Kentucky County Treasurer’s Fundamentals Course The Uniform System of Accounts for Kentucky Counties Please Note The Uniform System of Accounts All counties must use the account numbers from the chart of accounts. Codes used must identify the revenue or expenditure. The State Local Finance Officer will review the codes during the budget process for form and classification. November 30, 2018 Slide 7 of 17
Kentucky County Treasurer’s Fundamentals Course
The Uniform System of Accounts for Kentucky Counties The Uniform System of Accounts for Kentucky counties shall consist of the following books of accounts: cash receipts journal cash receipts ledger appropriation ledger(s) check distribution register general ledger investments journal purchase order journal subsidiary ledgers and journals as needed November 30, 2018 Slide 8 of 17
Books of Accounts Kentucky County Treasurer’s Fundamentals Course
The Uniform System of Accounts for Kentucky Counties Cash Receipts Journal Books of Accounts A daily, chronological listing of all receipts and should balance to the daily deposit. The listing is the book of original entry for all county revenues and all county funds. The journal should indicate the date money is received, a description of the revenue source, the revenue account code, the total amount, and the fund(s) to which the amount is distributed. Each daily cash receipts journal is totaled and is posted to the cash receipts ledger. November 30, 2018 Slide 9 of 17
Books of Accounts Kentucky County Treasurer’s Fundamentals Course
The Uniform System of Accounts for Kentucky Counties Cash Receipts Ledger Books of Accounts A monthly compilation by fund and account code of receipts recorded from the cash receipts journal. The Ledger will identify the name of the revenue account, the account code and the amount budgeted. A monthly total is posted and a cumulative total is maintained. At the end of each quarter, the year-to-date figure is carried directly to the treasurer's portion of the quarterly financial statement. November 30, 2018 Slide 10 of 17
Books of Accounts Kentucky County Treasurer’s Fundamentals Course
The Uniform System of Accounts for Kentucky Counties Appropriation Ledger(s) Books of Accounts The ledger reflects, by account number, the original budget appropriation, the payee, increases/decreases by amendment or transfer, expenditures, and the remaining balance. Reconciliations should be made at least monthly in order to insure accuracy. November 30, 2018 Slide 11 of 17
Books of Accounts Kentucky County Treasurer’s Fundamentals Course
The Uniform System of Accounts for Kentucky Counties Check Distribution Ledger Books of Accounts A chronological listing of daily disbursements by fund. The ledger must indicate the date, the check number, the payee, the account code, and the amount. (A separate column should be included for investments. Checks issued for the purpose of investments are to be recorded in the investments column and should balance to the investments journal.) Checks are to be posted numerically and all checks are to be recorded, including voided checks. November 30, 2018 Slide 12 of 17
Books of Accounts Kentucky County Treasurer’s Fundamentals Course
The Uniform System of Accounts for Kentucky Counties Investments Journal Books of Accounts A journal to record the purchase and liquidation of investments. The journal should include the date of the investment purchase, the check number (which should tie back to the check distribution ledger), the depository, type of investment, identifying serial number, fund identity, amount, date of maturity, earnings amount, earnings deposit date, and description of principal disposition. November 30, 2018 Slide 13 of 17
Books of Accounts Kentucky County Treasurer’s Fundamentals Course
The Uniform System of Accounts for Kentucky Counties General Ledger Books of Accounts A compliance by fund of the receipts and expenditures posted to the books that indicate a book balance. November 30, 2018 Slide 14 of 17
Books of Accounts Kentucky County Treasurer’s Fundamentals Course
The Uniform System of Accounts for Kentucky Counties Purchase Order Journal Books of Accounts A Purchase Order journal is just a log that records information about the POs that are issued. It would include the vendor name, date of issue, the Purchase Order amount not to exceed, a place to show that the Purchase Order has cleared (date cleared), the amount not to exceed, expiration date of the Purchase Order (used when a Purchase Order is issued to a vendor in an amount not to exceed and purchase made against that Purchase Order is debited until the maximum amount has been reached or the Purchase Order has expired, whichever comes first). November 30, 2018 Slide 15 of 17
Books of Accounts Kentucky County Treasurer’s Fundamentals Course
The Uniform System of Accounts for Kentucky Counties Purchase Order Journal Books of Accounts Of course it will contain the Purchase Order number and the item(s) purchased. The journal needs to tie back to the Purchase Order that was issued. The total encumbrance is actually a maximum amount because you have essentially "reserved" an amount to be encumbered and that amount may change depending on the actual amount debited against the issued amount or if the Purchase Order expired before the limit was reached. November 30, 2018 Slide 16 of 17
Books of Accounts Kentucky County Treasurer’s Fundamentals Course
The Uniform System of Accounts for Kentucky Counties Subsidiary Ledgers Books of Accounts The State Local Finance Officer sets the minimum standards for books and reports to be utilized by Counties. Eg. Payroll revolving ledger, Bond fund ledger. November 30, 2018 Slide 17 of 17
Books of Accounts Kentucky County Treasurer’s Fundamentals Course
The Uniform System of Accounts for Kentucky Counties Purchase Order Journal Books of Accounts A journal to record purchase orders issued by fund then account code. The journal should include the purchase order number, date of issue, payee, and maximum amount allowed to spend. November 30, 2018 Slide 18 of 17
This is to certify that, on this day, FIRST LAST
Friday, November 30, 2018 FIRST LAST Has successfully completed the Kentucky County Treasurer’s Fundamentals Course The Uniform System of Accounts for Kentucky Counties Tammy Robertson K.A.C.T.F.O. President
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