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Presentation on theme: "STRESS AND YOUR HEALTH Chapter 2.3."— Presentation transcript:


2 Stress Your physical response to change

3 Common Stressors Somewhat Stressful Extremely Stressful
Going to a new school Getting glasses or braces Arguing with a parent Getting in trouble Death of a close friend or family member Divorce or separation of parents Failing a subject or grade in school

4 Stressor Anything that causes stress
Not all stressors are the same for everyone

5 Physical Effects of Stress
Fatigue/Exhaustion Difficulty sleeping Frequent headaches Overeating/Losing your appetite

6 Long Term Effects of Stress
High Blood Pressure Heart Attacks Strokes

7 Fatigue vs. Physical Fatigue
Fatigue - exhaustion Physical Fatigue – aches and pains and extreme tiredness of the body

8 Ways to Cope with Stress
Defense Mechanisms Exercise Relaxing Planning Ahead Thinking Positively

9 Defense Mechanisms A mental strategy you use to cope with stress
Unhealthy Examples: Rationalization – making excuses instead of admitting it

10 Defense Mechanisms cont.
Denial – not recognizing an unpleasant reality (death) Projection – blaming someone else

11 Healthy Defense Mechanisms
Substitution – replacing an unattainable goal with a realistic one Sublimation – transforming unacceptable behaviors into acceptable

12 Healthy Defense Mechanisms cont.
Exercise Improves your mood by releasing chemicals in brain Relaxing Can give you a better perspective on your problem

13 Other Healthy Defense Mechanisms
Stretch Do something you enjoy or that is fun for you Examples: Read a book, listen to music, watch a movie, play a game

14 Positive Self Talk Say or think positive things to yourself
Be confident about yourself

15 Plan Ahead!! Organize your time
Prioritize – arrange things in order of importance Know your limits Make a schedule

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