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Marcello A. Giorgi Università di Pisa & INFN Pisa

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Presentation on theme: "Marcello A. Giorgi Università di Pisa & INFN Pisa"— Presentation transcript:

1 Marcello A. Giorgi Università di Pisa & INFN Pisa
Goals of the meeting Marcello A. Giorgi Università di Pisa & INFN Pisa Orsay February 15,2009 15 Feb,2009 Marcello A.Giorgi 1 1 1 1

2 After ELBA Towards TDR phase: Mini MAC formed ECFA meetings
Chart of the Project Office Management of Project Office in place Presentation at Plenary ECFA at CERN Presentation to CERN Council in European Session Approval by the Board of Directors of INFN of the TDR phase. TDR phase funded by the Lazio government. Meanwhile several topical workshops.. NOW: Form the Accelerator Consortium Form the Detector Collaboration Organize the Computing Prepare for a preliminary document by the end of 2009:{Physics,Accelerator, Detector, Computing,Site, Cost, Milestones} Be ready for TDR one year later. 15 Feb,2009 Marcello A.Giorgi 2

3 Reminder of goals of the last 2 SuperB major meetings
Attended by ECFA ad hoc Subcommittee: T.Nakada(chair),Y.Karyotakis,F.Linde,B Spaan Update on physics (potential discovery of New Physics with a 75 ab-1 in 5 years ) for B, Charm, Tau’s and new Spectroscopy . Examine carefully the potential benefits of running at 4 GeV c.m.s. Energy and of the Polarization. Organize the preparation of the simulation tools to evaluate the correct experimental sensitivity to the most relevant physics channels b 15 Feb,2009 Marcello A.Giorgi 3

4 From MiniMac Mini Machine Advisory Committee
MiniMac was appointed by the President of INFN at end of June 2008 Mini Machine Advisory Committee Klaus Balewski (DESY) John Corlett (LBNL) Jonathan Dorfan (SLAC, Chair) Tom Himel (SLAC/ DESY) Claudio Pellegrini (UCLA) Daniel Schulte (CERN) Ferdi Willeke (BNL) Andy Wolski (Liverpool) Frank Zimmermann (CERN) First meeting in July 16-17,2008 No glaring showstoppers RECOMMENDATION: Form a management structure! Very exciting project -- Committee is exhilarated by the challenge Physics requirement of 10**36 cm-2 sec-1 or 75 ab-1/5yr is very demanding Committee considers the SINGLE MOST ESSENTIAL ingredient for moving forward is the formation of a sanctioned management structure which formally incorporates a dedicated machine design team. The team members must have the strong support of their home institutions to work on the design. The team needs a designated leader, who is as close to full time as is possible The Committee sees no glaring showstoppers wrt achieving the design performance. However, in several key areas, more work is needed before the design can be blessed Link to meetings and reports: 15 Feb,2009 Marcello A.Giorgi

5 Informal meetings Informal meetings of Nakada subcommittee with SuperB and INFN management before the RECFA meeting in Athens in October 2008. Informal meeting of the CERN strategy group secretary Steiner Stapness with SuperB and INFN Management. 28 Nov,2008 15 Feb,2009 Marcello A.Giorgi

6 ECFA presentations of the Project
320 Signatures About 85 institutions 174 Babar members 65 non Babar. Manchester (July’07) : Lisbon (March’08) : CERN(November’08): REPORT BASED ON CDR Some Highlight on Physics Program Quick update on Detector Accelerator : preliminary results from test on SuperB concepts in DaFne upgrade at LNF. Quick update on Physics Program and Detector Accelerator test results Update on Process and Organization for TDR 15 Feb,2009 Marcello A.Giorgi 6 6

7 ON ACCELERATOR first proof of principle and more..
MIND ! 2 ways to High Lumi: TRADITIONAL (brute force): increase currents : from 1A on 2 A up to 4.1 A on 9.4 A- Wall Plug Power, HOM,CSR: hard to surpass cm2s-1 Crab Crossing to increase Rl and to optimize beam dynamic. SuperB: (same currents as PEP-II) , but decrease bunch sizes: from σy = 3μm down to σy = 40 nm Luminosity: 1036 cm2s-1 ( baseline) . Crab Waist and large Piwinsky angle to optimize beam dynamic. Luminosity upgrade of Dafne in Frascati by the second way. Katia Milardi will give today a comprehensive report. 15 Feb,2009 Marcello A.Giorgi 7 7

8 ..and Crab Waist in DaFne upgrade at FRASCATI
Vertical scan Large Piwinsky angle and “crab waist” with a pair of sextupoles/ring (F = tg(q)sz/sx) Currents comparable to present Factories,lower backgrounds, less HOM and instabilities. 15 Feb,2009 Marcello A.Giorgi 8

9 DaFne test before after No saturation
e- bunch lenght vs bunch current as measured before and after upgrade No saturation Dafne Test Run Blow-up in beam sizes and decrease Bhabha rates with crab sexts for one ring OFF (other ring ON) Crab OFF Crab ON 15 Feb,2009 Marcello A.Giorgi 9 9 9

10 SuperB on Tor Vergata site (see S.Tomassini talk)
SuperB rings 28 Nov,2008 15 Feb,2009 Marcello A.Giorgi 10

11 Detector Progress and Reuse
A lot of progress in Detector design including R&D. An ad hoc committee on geometry set up by FF&BR See next talk. Reuse in SuperB of BABAR and PEPII will be defined soon. About PEPII ther was a constructive exchange of letters between the President of INFN and the SLAC Director. D&D Review on March 24. A meeting in preparation of the review with SuperB and SLAC engineers at SLAC on February 15 Feb,2009 Marcello A.Giorgi

12 On organization The structure of Project office has been prepared, discussed and approved in SuperB Steering Committee. It has been shown by M.G. in the 28 Nov,2008 plenary meeting of ECFA at CERN. Presented at the 19Dec,2008 meeting of the board of Directors of INFN. Boxes are almost all filled. 28 Nov,2008 15 Feb,2009 Marcello A.Giorgi 12

13 Accelerator Technical Board Detector Technical Board
SuperB Organization Chart for TDR Phase SuperB Project Office - TDR Phase Director Deputy Director 1 Deputy Director 2 Deputy Director 3 Administrative and scientific staff Oversight Board International Board of Representatives Mini-MAC Mini-DET Mini-COMP Computing Accelerator Consortium Detector Collaboration Local Infrastructure Accelerator R&D, Engineering and Construction Accelerator Technical Board Detector R&D, Engineering and Construction Detector Technical Board Tunnel, power, water, utilities, ……… Site computing system, offline Infrastructure,Facilities, Services R&D + Preparatory Studies Linac Magnets Mech. Design IR/Final Focus Vacuum Transfer Lines Alignment Diagnostics Polarization Parameters Optics Beam Dynamics RF/Feedback Fluid Supplies Damping Rings Control System Power Supplies Rad. Protection SVT DCH PID EMC IFR Magnet Offline Computing Online Computing Electronics Trigger DAQ Rad. Monitor Lum. Monitor Computing Model MDI 15 Feb,2009 10/03/2008 13

14 Then.. The result of crab waist tests has been satisfactory.
ECFA report was positive and presented to the December CERN Council meeting. Project Office is being completed and project team is being assembled. On Dec 19,2008 the TDR SuperB Phase was presented to the Board of Directors of INFN. 15 Feb,2009 Marcello A.Giorgi 14

15 SuperB TDR funded! The INFN BoD has approved the SuperB TDR phase. The government of Region Lazio has funded this phase with a budget of M15.0 Euros in 3 years. Now: Prepare the SuperB TDR in two years. Prepare a preliminary document before the end of 2009 to allow funding and start up of digging in Tor Vergata, with the following sections: Physics Accelerator Detector Computing Site and utilities 15 Feb,2009 Marcello A.Giorgi 15

16 NOW Complete the SuperB Chart for TDR Phase. Get organized for the Preliminary ‘09 Document. (Leaders in the four for the green boxes of the chart will be responsible of the delivery of their sections, Physics will be coordinated by :A Bevan, D. Brown, M.Ciuchini, A.Stocchi) Assemble the Accelerator Consortium. Preassemble the Detector Collaboration. Organize the Computing structure. Start planning budget and move on with recruiting plan. 2009. Agree on “To Do List” as the base for memoranda. (this issue is part of this Tuesday program 15 Feb,2009 Marcello A.Giorgi. 16

17 Next steps D&D review. Warwick Physics Workshop (April 16-19,2009).
MiniMac (end April ). A very efficient Outreach activity is needed. 15 Feb,2009 Marcello A.Giorgi 17

18 Brochure 15 Feb,2009

19 END 15 Feb,2009

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